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Looking for a US Based Fellowship.


What world are you in?
Edit, ignore that I just noticed winyandor.


There are a couple of spots available in Lionsgate.
We've got members from around the world (across the disc if you're a flat-earther :p)
4 in the USA, one in Canada, most in the UK which works out in terms of being awake at the same time.
You can message Elfie365, King Alan or Kirithia.


You can hardly find a Fellowship having mostly USA players because there are countless US servers. The Aussies are here because they do not have a server of their own, so they chose the International server(s) - En servers.

I hope you can find what you are searching for :) Good luck!


I guess to each their own but personally I love the diversity of a fellowship.......I get to learn so much about people from different countries....psst, psst and I'm from the US ;)


You can hardly find a Fellowship having mostly USA players because there are countless US servers.
Half the people in my FS are from US (but we're not on Winy), but we also have unruly Aussies running amok making a mess of our precious time zones, although none of them are dragons.

I get to learn so much about people from different countries...
I know! I learned the pesky Aussies fought a war against a bunch of emus and lost. I asked why are emus on their national Coat of Arms then if they'd be fighting them? They said RESPECT. They lost the war. :D:D:D:D