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Looking for a new fellowship

Deleted User - 251725

Merry Xmas ,......... Ps ...... what world r you in ? If Arendyll , i saw a post for "Arte et Labore" recruiting for 1 new player , Good luck , hope ya find a new home. They are rated 62 in list of fellowships........ :)
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I am the AM of Arte et Labore, my name in that Fellowship is Maharet. We have a current vacancy, you would be most welcome with us.


hi Eden has a space free if you would like to check us out we have just completed our 10th chest in the tournament for the 1st time we all came together to work hard for it and we tackle the fellowship adventures unless we decide as a team not to we communicate well and help each other out where ever possible if you need advice or trades or even just a chat. we are friendly and we laugh alot together
Geri (babybeenie2801)