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List of Ancient Wonders and Benefits

Sir Derf

More Chapter 17 Analysis (because I'm Chapter 17)

Watchtower Ruins
Level 17 Lava Codex = 7,500 Culture / 4 squares = 1,875 Culture/sq
Level 30 Watchtower Ruins 1,875 Cult/sq * 20 sq = 37,500 Cult / 40% = 93,750 Required Culture

I currently have 640,000 Required Culture. 93,750 / 640,000 = 14.6%, a Level 9 Watchtower Ruins.
For me, Level 30 MM/S 640,000 * 40% = 256,000 Culture (Just over 34 Lava Codexes, 136 squares), / 20 sq = 12,800 Cult/sq (nearly 7x the efficiency)

Thrones of the High Men
Level 17 Lava Codex = 7,500 Culture / 4 squares = 1,875 Culture/sq
Level 35 Thrones of the High Men 1,875 Cult/sq * 24 = 45,000 Cult / 165 = 273 AW Levels

For me, Level 35 Thrones of the High Men 153 AW * 165 = 25,245 Culture (3.37 Lava Codexes), / 24 sq = 1,052 Cult/sq (56% efficient)

Level 39 Main Hall = 100,967 Ranking Points / 64 sq = 1,578 RP/sq
Level 35 Thrones of the High Men 1,578 RP/sq * 24 = 37,863 RP / 165 = 229 AW Levels

For me, Level 35 Thrones of the High Men 153 * 165 = 25,245 RP (12.6% of Main Hall), / 24 sq = 1,052 RP/sq (66.7% efficient)

Dwarven Bulwarks
Level 39 Armory = +560 Training Size / 28 sq = +20 Training Size/sq
Level 35 Dwarven Bulwark +20 TS/sq * 28 sq = +560 Training Size / 172.5% = 325 Squad Size

I currently have 6,000 Squad Size. 325/6000 = 5.4%, way below the 22.5% of a Level 1 Dwarven Bulwarks.
For Me, Level 35 Dwarven Bulwarks 6,000 * 172.5% = +10,350 Training Size (18.5 Armories), / 28 sq = +370/sq (also 18.5 x efficiency)

Mountain Halls
Level 39 Residence = 9,200 Pop / 20 squares = 460 Pop/sq
Level 30 Mountain Halls 460 Pop/sq * 24 sq = 11,040 Pop / 15% = 73,600 Working Pop

I currently have 550,000 Working Pop. 73,600 / 550,000 = 13%, a Level 26 Mountain Halls.
For me, Level 30 Mountain Halls 550,000 * 15% = 82,500 Pop (Nearly 9 Residences, 180 squares), / 24 sq = 3,437.5 Pop/sq (nearly 7.5x the efficiency)

Sir Derf

I have added color coding, but that is mostly for my benefit, as in at least some cases, the judgement is based on my current conditions, which is not universally applicable for others in Chapter 17.

Sir Derf

Still more Chapter 17 Analysis (because I'm Chapter 17)

Prosperity Towers
Level 39 Workshop = 43,400 Supplies / 3h, 75,200 / 9h = = 292,200/d / 30 squares = 9,740/sq/d
Level 35 Prosperity Towers 9,740/sq/d * 20 sq = 194,800 Supplies/d / 6 = 32,467 Supplies / 6 collections in 24 hours / 5.6% = Main Hall capacity of 579,761 Supplies.

I currently have 6,500,000 Supplies Main Hall. 73,600 / 6,500,000 = 1.1%, a Level 5 Prosperity Towers.
For me, Level 35 Prosperity Towers 6,500,000 * 5.6% = 364,000 Supplies/collection * 6 = 2,184,000 Supplies/d (nearly 7.5x Workshop, 225 squares), / 20 sq = 109,200 Supplies/sq/d (nearly 711.25x the efficiency)

Maze of the Dark Matter
Level 17 Manta Ray = 27,000 Mana/d / 12 sq = 2,250 Mana/sq/d
Level 35 Maze of the Dark Matter 2,250 Mana/sq/d * 30 sq = 67,500 Mana/d / 6 collections per day = 11,250 Mana/collection / 23 = 489 Provinces

I currently have 600 Provinces. 489/600*23 = 18.75x,, a Level 28 Maze of the Dark Matter.
For me, Level 35 Maze of the Dark Matter 600*23 = 13,800 Mana/collection * 6 = 82,800 Mana/d (just over 3 Manta Rays, 36 squares) / 30 sq = 2,760 Mana.sq.d (nearly 1.25x efficiency)

Dragon Abbey
Level 17 Manta Ray = 27,000 Mana/d / 12 sq = 2,250 Mana/sq/d
Level 35 Dragon Abbey 2,250 Mana/sq/d * 20 sq = 45,000 Mana/d / 46 = 978 Province*spells / day

I currently have 600 Provinces. 978/600 = 1.6 Spells/d for Level 35 Dagon Abbey, 12.5 Spells/d for Level 1 Dragon Abbey
For me, Level 35 Dragon Abbey, every 1.6 Spells is the equivalent efficiency per square of Manta Rays, or the equivalent of 1.6 Manta Rays (20 squares). This improves the more spells you cast. If you cast 10 spells a day, this is an efficiency of 6.25x vs. Manta Rays, or 6.25 Manta Rays, 75 squares.

Sir Derf

Updated my table and lists to include the newly added Chapter 20 Ancient Wonders, the Ancient Resting Place and Scouts' Tavern.

Sir Derf

BTW, given the array of AWs producing various Military Units, we could be due at least 3 more Chapters, as there are 6 Military Units not produced by currently offered AWs.


I didn't find anything about this in this thread, but there is a very powerful combination of wonders that might be of interest to people:
  1. Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood - increases effect and duration of EE spells
  2. The Great Bell Spire/Crystal Lighthouse - increases duration of neighborly help
  3. The Blooming Trader Guild - increases value of Wholesaler offers
Together, these 3 will make your workshop production outshine anything you can do with your manufactories.

The idea is to maximise your culture boost, to increase supply and gold production, and then buy as many goods from the Wholesaler as possible. The Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood helps because you can have more buildings enchanted with EE spells (because the spells last longer), and the effect of each EE spell is stronger. At some point, you need the Great Bell Spire/Crystal Lighthouse, because if you have more than 20 EE spells active, it becomes impossible to make sure they all have neighborly help at the same time, so you need to increased NH duration to make sure all your EE spells are covered by NH.

To give an example, I have my Lighthouse at level 27 and the Great Bell Spire at level 12, and I usually have a culture boost around 600%. With the supplies production from 6 magic workshops (with PoP spells), this allows me to buy 2M T1, 1.5M T2 and 1M T3 goods per day (with a lvl 31 Blooming Trader Guild). I would need ~40 T1 manufactories, 15 T2 manufactories and 15 T3 manufactories to produce that much! This is what allowed me to go from 30 to 50 provinces per week in the tournament, because now I can afford to negotiate a lot, even at higher provinces.

An added bonus of this is the increased mana production. This works especially well with the Lava Egg - it's got decent culture, and can buffer mana up to 48 hours, so you can usually make sure you collect only when NH and EE are both active.

There are also additional synergies here. For example, the massively increased coin production of your residences helps with the effect of the Vallorian Seal Tower. A recent change also made the Golden Abyss and the Prosperity Towers benefit from culture boost.

Full disclosure - I did not come up with this on my own - someone posted a thread once where they complained about hitting the prize limit of the wholesaler! This got me thinking :)
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With the supplies production from 6 magic workshops (with PoP spells), this allows me to buy 2M T1, 1.5M T2 and 1M T3 goods per day (with a lvl 31 Blooming Trader Guild). I would need ~40 T1 manufactories, 15 T2 manufactories and 15 T3 manufactories to produce that much!
This is a very interesting (and effective looking at the numbers) approach to increasing stock of goods. Thanks for sharing :)
Thread resurrected, but for a purpose - reorganized by benefit category

  1. Coins
    1. Golden Abyss (%MH / 3h)
  2. Supplies
    1. Tome of Secrets (%MH / Scout)
    2. Endless Excavation (%MH / day)
    3. Prosperity Towers (%MH / 3h)
    4. Prosperity Towers (+PP Duration)
    5. Prosperity Towers (+PP Effect)
  3. Population
    1. Golden Abyss (%Working Pop)
    2. Mountain Halls (%Working Pop)
    3. Thermal Spring of Youth (+Pop / Residence)
  4. Culture
    1. Martial Monastery/Sanctuary (%Required Cult)
    2. Watchtower Ruins (%Required Cult)
    3. Thrones of the High Men (*AW Levels)
    4. Thermal Spring of Youth (*AW Level)
    5. Crystal Lighthouse/Bell Spire (+NH polish duration)
    6. Watchtower Ruins (+Culture / NH polished building)
    7. Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood (+EE Duration)
    8. Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood (+EE Effect)
  5. Goods
    1. Blooming Trader Guild (-Trader Fee)
    2. Blooming Trader Guild (+Wholesaler Offers)
    3. Elvenar Trade Center (+MM Duration)
    4. Elvenar Trade Center (+MM Effect)
  6. Boosted Goods
    1. Mountain Halls (+Standard Goods Boost)
    2. Timewarp (+Sentient Goods Boost)
    3. Vortex of Storage (+Sentient Goods Boost)
    4. Tree of Enlightenment (+Ascended Goods Boost)
    5. Simia Sapiens (-Sentient Goods Decay)
    6. Crystal Lighthouse/Bell Spire (*Provinces / NH Chest)
    7. Pyramid of Purification (*Orc Prod / Orcs)
    8. Dragon Ark (/ Quest)
    9. Oracle of Fortune (/ Crafting)
    10. Ancient Resting Place (-Ascended Goods Decay)
    11. Scouts' Tavern (+NH Chests)
  7. Guest Race Goods
    1. Blooming Trader Guild (+Portal Production)
    2. Vortex of Storage (+Settlement Goods Cap)
  8. Orcs
    1. Heroes Forge (/ day)
    2. Shrine of the Champion (/Tournament Point)
  9. Mana
    1. Maze of the Dark Matter (-Mana decay)
    2. Enar's Embassy (*Provinces / Scout)
    3. Maze of the Dark Matter (*Provinces / 3h)
    4. Dragon Abbey (*Provinces / Spell)
    5. Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood (/ NH polished building)
  10. Seeds
    1. Sunset Towers (-Seeds Decay)
    2. Sunset Towers (*MH Levels / NH Chest)
    3. Elvenar Trade Center (*MH Levels / 12h)
  11. Unurium
    1. Vallorian Seal Tower (-Unurium Decay)
    2. Temple of Spirits (/Spire Chest)
    3. Temple of Spirits (/City Event Currency)
    4. Vallorian Seal Tower (/Residence Pickup)
  12. KP
    1. Tome of Secrets (KP / day)
    2. Spire Library (KP / day)
  13. Broken Shards
    1. Enar's Embassy (/ 7 day)
  14. Relics
    1. Endless Excavation (/ Province)
  15. Combining Catalyst
    1. Dragon Ark (/ Mystical Object)
  16. Royal Restoration
    1. Oracle of Fortune (/7 day)
  17. Ranking Points
    1. Thrones of the High Men (*AW Levels)
    2. Spire Library (/Spire Crystal)
    3. Tournament Arena (/Tournament Chest)

  1. Troops
    1. Barrack
      1. Dwarven Bulwark (LMU / 3h)
      2. Shrine of the Shrewdy Shrooms (LRU / 3h)
      3. Flying Academy (Mages / 3h)
      4. Temple of the Toads (HRU / 3h)
      5. Pyramid of Purification (HMU / 3h)
    2. Training Ground
      1. Ancient Resting Place (Ghastly Banshees / 3h)
      2. Shrine of the Champion (Orc Warrior / 3h)
    3. Mercenary Camp
      1. Tournament Arena (Venom Drone Riders/ 3h)
      2. Tree of Enlightenment (Rangers / 3h)
    4. Other
      1. Simia Sapiens (Military / Collection)
  2. +Training Speed
    1. Needles of the Tempest (Barrack)
    2. Flying Academy (Merc Camp)
    3. Victory Springs (Training Grounds)
  3. +Training Size
    1. Dwarven Bulwark (%Squad Size)
    2. Shrine of the Shrewdy Shrooms (* Armory Levels)
  4. +Damage
    1. Needles of the Tempest (LRU)
    2. Heroes Forge (HMU)
    3. Dragon Abbey (Mage)
    4. Temple of the Toads (HRU)
    5. Victory Springs (LMU)
  5. +Health
    1. Martial Monastery/Sanctuary

  1. Cooldowns
    1. Timewarp (Tournament)
    2. Scouts' Tavern (Scouting Time)

Edit - rephrased Dwarven Bulwark and Shrewdy Shrooms to reflect the effects are on all Military Buildings, not just Barracks.
Edit - Added new Chapter 20 AWs, Ancient Resting Place and Scouts' Tavern.
This is brilliantly helpful. Thank you Sir Derf
Yes it is absolutely brilliant content. Hope this content makes its way to discord.
Oh no! You said the 'D' word. :p
