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Discussion July 2022 Fellowship Adventure - Feedback


Master of the Elements
None of the FA's current changes [excluding graphical glitches etc.] results from either an accident or what would have to be several bugs, appearing simultaneously
Indeed I am not entirely sure where this widely belief came from that Inno made some mistake and accidentally put out a wrong version... The only official word I have heard from them is that the FA is operating as intended.


@Sir Derf : I've worn myself out typing the above long post, but because 'a picture speaks a thousand words', here's my current Badge Inventory & the production amounts required for each Badge - I'm in Ch. XII Elementals :

FA_July_2022_Coins_Bracelets_Inventory_Ch.XII_02a.jpg ... FA_July_2022_Coins_Bracelets_Inventory_Ch.XII_02b.jpg

Notes : My City build & play-style are both rather average (10+ Chests in Tourney & Gold Spire) but I do have a few atypical gameplay choices :

(a) No. of Wonder Society Badges is much higher than my personal average : would normally be 20-50 depending on how many used so far;
(b) Total No. of Coins Badges = 5 or ? 6, using standard Coins-maximising gameplay choices [7 x Magic Residences + c.10 other City sources];
NB : My Culture Bonus is consistently 190%
(c) No. of Bracelets is not representative because I haven't used any yet - this is my total produced so far, using AW-boosted MMs
(d) No. of Guards Badges is probably about 200% [even up to 300%] above general player average at my Chapter level.
(e) I visit 200 Neighbours daily and receive c.150 daily incoming visits
ETA : (f) I have 322 completed Provinces (of 320 required to open the next Chapter - I don't like to go over, nor to over-Scout, for several reasons)

My own inter-Badge discrepancies were/are usually quite large in most FAs - but this time they are obviously extreme for Coins & Bracelets.
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Indeed I am not entirely sure where this widely belief came from that Inno made some mistake and accidentally put out a wrong version... The only official word I have heard from them is that the FA is operating as intended.
It was announced on the German Forum.


My numbers had Neighborly Help as the biggest piece of my Sack production, so I was curious how this breaks down across the Chapters...

ChapterHighest MHNH
Provinces for next ChapterNH * Prov * 7
Coins / SackSacks% of 14.44

'Overscouting' will, of course, increase your above numbers.
Thanks for this. The unfortunate position to be in is having just entered a new chapter with the current sack requirements but your main hall is at the lower level. In my case, chapter 15 with a level 33 main hall, ouch! (well, up until about an hour ago when I could upgrade it to 34 with the help of lots of sentient trading, thanks @Alcaro :) )
This also applies to bracelets with previous chapter level manus.
Unlucky timing, sometimes it works the other way, at the end of a chapter with everything maxed.


I do wonder if rune shards will see a shift in availability/importance now that we've thrown most of our stock at each other's wonders :)
Good point (and scary too!). I am a hoarder, I didn't spend all my excess, kept around 60-70 of each and now that you pointed out this possible head ache, I think I will start hoarding again :D


Good point (and scary too!). I am a hoarder, I didn't spend all my excess, kept around 60-70 of each and now that you pointed out this possible head ache, I think I will start hoarding again :D
I hope you don't regret putting that one on my Sapiens :p :D

Sir Derf

My understanding of the cause of the change in this FA, "it is operating as intended", as in none of the increases were typos, and INNO really did mean to make the Sacks 4x harder, but "it wasn't intended to be implemented in this FA", which might mean they intended to roll it out first to the Beta server in the next FA, and then to us, possibly with official announcements to both.

I did say my numbers were my numbers. I recognize that I am in a Late Chapter, playing a large city (with many, but nowhere near all, Premium Expansions) and with a highly overscouted Map, and so my numbers and my situation are mine and not yours.

Also, I was looking at my per chapter numbers posted in another thread, and found I made a mistake in computing NH effects. So, some of my rosier predictions are lessened.

Look, I'm not happy with this change. I liked the fact that I could previously ignore Sack production, it was so automatically easy. I do think that 4x is a large increase and changes the balance of the game. But, I'm a math person. It may look dire looking at individual pieces of the Sack production puzzle. But, it's less so if you take into account all the different sources of Sack production. Yes, this came at us cold, so we haven't been able to prepare. And yes, the preparations seem small. But, they can add up. We're not used to trying to think about optimizing Coins production. It's a Lemonade from Lemons. It's adjusting expectations and priorities.

Sir Derf

Yup. I had to pick a point to base my numbers on, so I choose the aspirational "What's the best I can do in this Chapter?" over "What's the biggest hole I could find myself in?".


Look, I'm not happy with this change. I liked the fact that I could previously ignore Sack production, it was so automatically easy. I do think that 4x is a large increase and changes the balance of the game. But, I'm a math person. It may look dire looking at individual pieces of the Sack production puzzle. But, it's less so if you take into account all the different sources of Sack production. Yes, this came at us cold, so we haven't been able to prepare. And yes, the preparations seem small. But, they can add up. We're not used to trying to think about optimizing Coins production. It's a Lemonade from Lemons. It's adjusting expectations and priorities.

I'm not happy with this change too. Especially not with the way it was communicated (not at all).
Part of the fun of a FA is the preparation and the discussion how to handle the next FA with the other fellows of the FS.
Building the shanty town and starting the productions 2 days before the real start of the FA.

At the moment Inno makes such huge changes, without warning and testing in Beta (so we could have known something with big consequences was going to change) means that all the preparations could be thrown away.
Discussing at that moment (at the moment it becomes clear that Inno has changed something dramatic) what to do is not an option in a FS with players from around the world. As is the case in the FS I'm playing in.
The confusion and miscommunication which followed will be severe (at least it was in our FS). No fun.

I believe Inno ows the players an apology. And a promise not to make big changes without testing in Beta and informing the players beforehand.
I'm realistic too. I don't see it happen.

Sir Derf

Well then, just consider all this discussion as being "how to handle the next FA"... it just so happens that the discussion is taking place during the current FA. :cool: