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Fire Phoenix Artifact for New/Young Players

Mc Millan

I hope Inno would solve the problem for Fire Phoenix artifact. New players are at terrible disadvantage because they dont have fire phoenix artifact. This sets a huge gap between old and new players since it is really helpful in spires and tourney. Is Inno deliberately making the game harder? New players also have to reach certain chapter before they can participate in tourney?

Sir Derf

To your last question - How capable at a Tourney do you think earlier chapter players would be? I'm not sure where the current Tourney entry point is, but do you think a Chapter 1 player can do much? Chapter 2? Plus, how many game mechanics do you want to introduce a new player to at the start?


Both make fair points @Mc Millan & @Sir Derf.
There is an unfairness to it. I have wondered if the Fire Phoenix should be part of the Research tree. Not sure where, mind you.

Probably a conspiracy to keep the little players down.


I see this completely up to the playing style and progression of the game, if you can't fight because you don't have fire phoenix, just build more goods.

You know the advantage of fire phoenix because you have it. When I was a small player I didn't know about it but still had a good time and achieved high scores. Same with bears and all the others.
Then I got the phoenix at lvl10 and it really was an achievement. Now I mainly fight.


I played for several years before the Fire Phoenix existed, as @jb.aus says, I think 12 months of play is reasonable to gain it, it is not the be all and end all of fighting, strategy also plays a huge part.


I have a new city that is only about a month old that already has a lvl 4 Fire Phoenix. However, I don’t plan to feed it for another 4 chapters or so until I get to Orcs because (1) I also know Pet Food rationing is part of Fire Phoenix management, (2) I don’t have enough provinces open for tourney to need a bump in fighting to make that Pet Food worthwhile, and (3) even if I can win the Spire by fighting, you can’t make back the high troop loss in time for next week’s tournament/Spire. More unfair is probably this isn’t my only city so I am sharing diamonds with another bigger city and therefore, could afford the artifacts when they do show up in MA. A truly new player would not have this advantage or luxury and would have to pass or spend $, that is if they even know Phoenix artifacts are in their best interest.

I do agree the early chapter changes are not great for the game by delaying tourney and Spire access to chapters 4 and 5 though. Mainly, it makes Magic Academy pretty useless since you don’t have enough relics to do anything (or inventory to frag). It also delays how fast you can max out your relic boost and boost production. Even if costs are lower to get through chapter 1-5 in the tech tree, it’s not instant and can still take people months and months.

Gadun Moth

I’ve only been playing for 12 months and I’ve managed to get a lvl 10 fire phoenix.. if that is something you really want it is achievable (you can spend diamonds or use blueprints to craft artefacts in the MA)
Wow, you gotta be one lucky player, I play for like two years and never got more that 3 chances to get in in MA. Regarding diamonds ... one thing is to support the developers and another to rip through the game with your wallet.
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Wow, you gotta be one lucky player, I play for like two years and never got more that 3 chances to get in in MA. Regarding diamonds ... one thing is to support the developers and another to rip through the game with your wallet. Sympathetic of the year award goes to you.
Really!!!! Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today or is every comment out of your mouth gonna be negative and condescending.........let me put it to you this way.....you do not need to spend real money in this game (sorry Devs, I know you all would like that), there are many, many, many ways to achieve FREE diamonds in game to use in any way that you want.....SMH

Gadun Moth

Really!!!! Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today or is every comment out of your mouth gonna be negative and condescending.........let me put it to you this way.....you do not need to spend real money in this game (sorry Devs, I know you all would like that), there are many, many, many ways to achieve FREE diamonds in game to use in any way that you want.....SMH
I type, so angry hands mayhap. Your reply is pretty condescending if we are at it. Free diamonds... what you get from the spire, usually you spend them to reach the top. From MA is once in three mystical objects, a chance to get 500 diamonds and happens seldom in my entire fellowship. MA requires upgrade with diamonds too. So, by the time you reach the chapters with diamonds as reward, you'll need a year for one or two artifacts. Did I miss any of this many many ways? Unlike you, I support the developers, I don't take things for granted. Maybe you, knowing all and that, will school me on how fast can one get the 9000 diamonds expansion with FREE diamonds, or the one with 19k diamonds ?

Sir Derf

Yes, you did miss several ways...

You're posting on the official Forum, which runs frequent contests that give away diamonds. There's one running right now. Some of the recent contests had fewer submissions than announced prizes. I've personally won diamonds from the Forum Contests multiple times.

Then, there are some of the bonus buildings obtainable from different methods. I have several Genies and Ferris Wheel Galores I've gotten for free recently.

As to how fast to get the premium expansion with 9k, or 19k diamonds, well, it will take a while. Especially since those are the 24th and 44th Premium Expansion. The first Premium Expansion only takes 450.


I type, so angry hands mayhap. Your reply is pretty condescending if we are at it. Free diamonds... what you get from the spire, usually you spend them to reach the top. From MA is once in three mystical objects, a chance to get 500 diamonds and happens seldom in my entire fellowship. MA requires upgrade with diamonds too. So, by the time you reach the chapters with diamonds as reward, you'll need a year for one or two artifacts. Did I miss any of this many many ways? Unlike you, I support the developers, I don't take things for granted. Maybe you, knowing all and that, will school me on how fast can one get the 9000 diamonds expansion with FREE diamonds, or the one with 19k diamonds ?

To go off topic with your thread, so I am off topic also, my next expansion is the 9000 diamond one, and will probably be there without paying by late January, I am buying for free about 5-6 premium expansions a year, you can complete the spire without using any diamonds, I do weekly, with the very occasional exception through choice when in a rush. Place the genie's won, complete the spire, enter the forum competitions, follow the storyline chapter quests, save all diamonds for expansions and it is doable in 8-9 weeks play.


I cater early game and fight once I get to Orcs. If I cater, the only encounters I will spend diamonds on are in the Lab for end gates, but it's rare I'd have to spend diamonds at every end gate. Therefore, I prob average only 50 diamonds spent catering per week, but fighting is all pure diamond profit.


Wow, you gotta be one lucky player, I play for like two years and never got more that 3 chances to get in in MA. Regarding diamonds ... one thing is to support the developers and another to rip through the game with your wallet.
Massive assumption made there with your diamonds comment.. in no way shape or form do I rip through the game with my wallet.. I am in a good fellowship that gets a blueprint every week.. 3 blueprints can be used to pay for a phoenix artefact in the MA.. there are also sacrifices you make such as cashing in other phoenix artefacts every now and again to craft a phoenix artefact


Not to mention I have several genies that produce diamonds and I top the spire every week which gives diamonds


For new cities I would rather advice to go for the Aureate Phoenix first. If you do have pet food, which most will agree is not an abundant item, rather use it to boost your multiple manus for a higher production. My first AM used to say “planks are your currency” and I think he had it right. You have to get your economics straightened out before you tackle other aspects of the game.


I dont see the game as a competition against other players but just try to improve my own performance as best I can. I’m 3 months in and at Chapter 5. If I have a disadvantage compared with players who started years ago, then I can live with that and it doesnt trouble me. It’s fun trying to make good strategic choices, and if my little fire phoenix egg never hatches, I’ll find a way around it, hopefully!