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Trader fellowship trading

  • Thread starter DeletedUser6271
  • Start date


howza - keeping this short and sweet.

I kinda like the idea of having the ability to post trades that are only seen by your current fellows - maybe a separate room inside the trader eg "Fellowship Merchant" any trades posted in here are only seen by your current fellowship members - and posting in the public trading house (as it is now) is seen by all - including fellows.

just an idea - I see handy and see some really cool uses for such a feature.


Unfortunately, I believe this has been suggested in the past. If memory serves. Inno wants to keep Trading as a community wide feature to help build camaraderie and preserve the culture of the game (or something like that).


cheers - yep 100% understand why this would not be implemented - thought it might be worth the mention - as you suggest it has come up before - so it looks like would be a pretty slim chance lol :)
anyhow - there are always work around - i have a plan B


I don't care what Inno "wants", with the demise of /who I can no longer see who is online in my fellowship so I can't determine the best time to put up trades. Consequently my nicely goods-balance FS is being severely disrupted by wandering outsiders who (quite legitimately) take our trades. This is not acceptable or fair. If /who is not coming back then we need separate intra-FS and inter-FS trading mechanisms. Otherwise this is going to debilitate some FS, or significantly slow down trade. King Wally, you give up too easily. We must fight this.


I don't care what Inno "wants", with the demise of /who I can no longer see who is online in my fellowship so I can't determine the best time to put up trades. Consequently my nicely goods-balance FS is being severely disrupted by wandering outsiders who (quite legitimately) take our trades. This is not acceptable or fair. If /who is not coming back then we need separate intra-FS and inter-FS trading mechanisms. Otherwise this is going to debilitate some FS, or significantly slow down trade. King Wally, you give up too easily. We must fight this.

I don't see the issue, if a fellow needs a 1* or less trade, get the fellow to put up the trades then no-one else will take them, otherwise fair trades are fair game for everyone.
That's my opinion anyway. :)


Although there is a level of understanding why it would not be implemented as a simple part of gameplay - and as mentioned above it appears the suggestion might have been made before - if it's not already implemented it prob will never will.

However in saying that....

just because something was not a good idea in the past - doesn't mean it's still the case today - things change over time and just sometimes the environment can be more suitable today than it was yesterday and we need to spend time investigating if something in the pass is now more suitable today.
if preserving the culture of the game is important to the game developers etc than I must agree that /who must be working as this has become an important key tool for FS. that as above ties into the culture of building healthy FS in many ways.

My understanding is the /who was a bit of mistake to start with and a system brought over from something else and was never planned - the /who is not coming back.

(please, pull me up if I'm not correct here)

SO what has happened, such a mistake or honest error if you wish to call it that - has actually become part of the game culture and important tool -
removing the tool or deciding not to bring it back to me is actually not preserving the culture of the game - as culture is something that community members develop within the environment - Allowing us to create and be members of fellowships is, in fact, a part of the game culture that allows us to create, develop and grow our own subcultures (the fellowship) -

what that means is tools like /who has been used as tools within the subculture of each fellowship for their own reasons and purposes and has become an imperative part of the game culturally.

removing a tool already adopted into any subculture IMO is actually not preserving "the culture" and is impeding it - of course over many generations, it will take time of healing the hurt and damage that was done while community members have to rebuild and discover new ways to achieve the same outcomes and goals as having your city leveled to the ground is far less damaging to any culture than having your culturally adopted resources and tools removed or extinct by outside factors or a result of not offering the yearly sacrifice to the gods.

of course, there are many that choose or are not as open to building subcultures within the fellowship and will always suggest and see certain things as "non-important" or "it really doesn't matter" etc. and that's ok and fine too! - nobody is forced to use tools and resources.

but for those that have taken up the opportunity to dig deep and use the environment around us to strengthen and grow our fellowships (which to me is part of the culture of the game) - you simply can't just "remove" or "extinct" existing tools.

deciding not to implement a new tool is different from removing an existing one.

The OP was posted with the idea that the /who was coming back and its just a bug - meaning it was a cool idea to extend and offer more tools to what many healthy and growing fellowships are already doing.... in-house trading, as part of their sub-culture.

as mentioned the game culture in my eyes is the ability to develop our own subculture in the form of the fellowship - in-house trading is absolutely imperative to the subculture - the /who tool has been the only and a very simple tool that enables this ability.

I believe the /who tool needs to come back OR an in-house mechanism should be implemented OR even better both.

I see these things as no advantage or disadvantage globally - if such tools and resources are equal opportunities - meaning all fellowships have access to the same tools - either the chat /who, in-house trading mechanism or better still both.- It's then up to each fellowship to choose what they do or don't do with each tool and resource - to me, that's the culture of the game!


The old chat server (which was giving us all a headache) has been replaced by a new one which does not have the /who and /whisper facilities at present. It is hoped to reintroduce these as their importance is recognised, but the time-scale for this is unknown.

This is what Lizzie said on the matter of /who.


You make some interesting points, and are clearly much in favour of this feature making a return.

I would, however like to point out my objection to this ever returning. And that being, I do not want people to know when I am online, and when I am not. That is my business, and my privacy. If I choose to chat I will, If I choose not to, that is my decision. Its a gross invasion of privacy having someone logging my every move.

As your points for the plus were so good, I will offer what I believe is a viable option. That is to be able to opt in, or opt out of the system. So that when I choose to opt out, it would not return my name in the results no matter what my game status is.


I don't see the issue, if a fellow needs a 1* or less trade, get the fellow to put up the trades then no-one else will take them, otherwise fair trades are fair game for everyone.
That's my opinion anyway. :)
My problem wasn't with the trade. We get the recipient to set up 1- or 0-star trades to benefit themselves, obviously, otherwise I'd have to offer 3-star trades - and that would be silly. My problem is I now have to spend my time periodically shouting "Is there anybody there? at chat to see if the person I want is around to arrange a trade. If they are online but not chatting they remain invisible. I don't see the requirement for your online status to be private. If you trade or visit then it is obvious you are online. What privacy are you trying to maintain?


Master of the Elements
I'm really not sure why everyone gets so emotional about Elvenar's in-game chat. (This is on topic because it relates to the question of people posting trades at certain times based on who is online.) I've said it a hundred times by now, but if you use some other external chat server for your fellowship then you can solve all your worries at once.


I have a CB radio, you can catch me on channel 28, "rubber ducky.... 10 4 do you copy, over and out.....shhhh"