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Dwarven Bulwark AW


Just to clear up my confusion, people say that the dwarven Bulmark is better than fully maxed armouries, does that mean I should get rid of my armouries if I have DB?, I have 3 at level 23 atm.


No, you'll need armouries to produce orcs, apart from anything else. There's another thread describing the relative merits of Dwarven Bulwark and Shrewdy Shrooms so I won't repeat what's in there. You would need Bulwark at a high level to be able to maintain your desired training size without armouries.


You can also have both. I have both but I lean heavier on Shrewdy. They both extend the training size but with different approaches and there are different times where one is more preferential over the other.
I like how Elvenar has so many different ways to play and have fun. I actually only have Armories (x7). I prefer to have buildings that produce orcs in addition to increasing training size. But I am in a high chapter where orcs are in demand. Almost socially acceptable in fact. ;)


Shrewdy Shrooms requires armories to really shine, so with only a few armories Dwarven Bulwark is better. But what you really need is SSS AND the DB as high as you can get them. Lean SSS if you have the armories, otherwise DB.

Sir Derf

Depends on the strategy...

At the moment, my goal was to have a training queue that produce the whole night without going idle. DB with a few levels + 3 Armories takes up fewer squares than 7-8 Armories.