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Do you know your Portal Profits?


@Pauly7 They are worth a lot of sf so they are indeed always useful ;)


By Team Spirit they might as well not exist, so I assume it continues on that trajectory in subsequent chapters.
Can anyone confirm this? I agree that in Team Spirit they're pretty pointless as they give the easiest to produce resource.
I've got quite a stash of them and am hesitant to disenchant too many 'just in case'.


Master of the Elements
Can anyone confirm this? I agree that in Team Spirit they're pretty pointless as they give the easiest to produce resource.
I've got quite a stash of them and am hesitant to disenchant too many 'just in case'.
Yeah, I haven't disenchanted any yet because you never know, but gone are the times when portal profits would speed up your progress... Unless someone says it changes in later chapters.


Yeah, I haven't disenchanted any yet because you never know, but gone are the times when portal profits would speed up your progress... Unless someone says it changes in later chapters.
Maybe Inno has devised something diabolical for Chapter 22? Given their past nefarious ways it would not surprise me much.


@Pauly7 They are worth a lot of sf so they are indeed always useful ;)
It's all relative perhaps, but when I need 20 or 30K to upgrade an AW, the disenchantment 'rewards' are not gonna cut the mustard.


I'd be happy if the Inno tightwads would provide greater disenchantment rewards. Can we buy SFs with diamonds? :eek:


Master of the Elements
The thing is with any kind of discussion about disenchantment rewards, you can't make it part of the calculation. It is just a bonus extra. It isn’t sustainable. So (slightly) more sadly, you can only really compare the amount of SF you are using to the amount you can collect through regular gameplay.