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Fellowships Delay when players can make their own fellowship


Currently, players can either join or create their own fellowship from very early on in the game. It seems to me that when such small and inexperienced players create a fellowship that early, they miss out on a lot of the benefits fellowships can offer, especially in regard to helping new cities grow. This is simply because they don't have the membership to get most of these benefits such as trades, advice, neighbourly help, etc, or the understanding or experience of fellowships to use/run the fellowship in such a way as to get some of these benefits. The result is a lot of these cities struggle too much and peter out very early on, and the players leave the game.

My suggestion is to slightly push back the stage where players are able to create their own fellowship, but leave the point where they can join one where it is. This would mean these very new players who wished to be in a fellowship would be joining a relatively established one in their early days, but would still have the choice to leave and create a fellowship of their own within a short space of time. It doesn't need to be long. Even just joining a very small fellowship with a handful of active players and staying there for a week would be enough for them to get the experience they need to understand how fellowships work and what sort of benefits they offer, which will be enough for them to later find a more suitable fellowship that matches their play style, or even create their own. This would benefit the newer players by helping them get more support when they're just starting out, and lead to greater player retention.

What are people's thoughts on this?


Master of the Elements
The first thing I did when I created my Elvenar account was to go to the fellowship creation section and set up the Knights of Hammer. There wasn't a moment's doubt in my mind that if creating a fellowship was an option then that is what I would do.

Some people have no interest. Some people are like me. Possibly the majority of players sit on the fence between and for them your plan would seem a sensible for one. For me I would have felt slightly afronted. I may have joined a fellowship, but then would have left them the moment I was allowed to start my own. In that sense fellows who invest a lot of time in new players, giving them all the advice, etc, as you describe, would then more likely be let down by more of them who feel they are only there temporarily.


Have to agree with Pauly. When I opened my Beta city I had over 2 years experience with Elvenar but hadn't even begun to suss out all the deep currents in that realm. I glanced at my neighbours fellowships but either didn't like the description or didn't qualify.
I introduced myself in the Forum and then opened my own FS, titled it to catch attention and waited. Two logins later I got picked up by a small but high level FS I would never have considered joining. So have to say I do not agree