How the culture bonus is calculated has been asked some times on this forum... I found the maths on the Beta forum...
The maths were hard to find because some values are rounded that leads to "steps" in the values...
Below 100, no rounding
From 100 & below 1,000, rounded to closest 10 (654 rounded to 650, 655 rounded to 660)
From 1,000 & below 10,000, rounded to closest 100 (2,649 rounded to 2,600, 2,650 rounded to 2,700)
From 10,000 & below 100,000, rounded to closest 1,000 (45,499 rounded to 45,000, 45,500 rounded to 46,000)
From 100,000, rounded to closest 10,000
1. Sum of Working population & Required culture
Add the rounded "Working population" to the rounded "Required culture" from the population & culture popups.
= rounded
+ rounded
= ______ 150,000 __________________+ _______ 120,000
= 270,000
2. "Required for" calculation
The "Required for" culture is the Available culture (Total culture - Required culture) + the Neighbourly Help
- Required for 125% production, Available + NH is 20% of the sum (from 1.)
- Required for 150% production, Available + NH is 40% of the sum (from 1.)
- Required for 160% production, Available + NH is 60% of the sum (from 1.)
- Required for 170% production, Available + NH is 80% of the sum (from 1.)
The "Required for" is also rounded (see above)
Example 1, my account on Beta : (begining Chapter II)
Working population : 617, rounded to 620
Required culture : 402, rounded to 400
Sum : 1,020
Required for 125% production : 20% of 1,020 = 204, rounded to 200
Required for 150% production : 40% of 1,020 = 408, rounded to 410
Example 2, my account on Arendyll : (Halflings finished, awaiting Elementals)
Working population : 145,515, rounded to 150,000
Required culture : 122,653, rounded to 120,000
Sum : 270,000
Required for 125% production, 20% of 270,000 = 54,000, rounded to 54,000
Required for 150% production, 40% of 270,000 = 108,000, rounded to 110,000
The maths were hard to find because some values are rounded that leads to "steps" in the values...
Below 100, no rounding
From 100 & below 1,000, rounded to closest 10 (654 rounded to 650, 655 rounded to 660)
From 1,000 & below 10,000, rounded to closest 100 (2,649 rounded to 2,600, 2,650 rounded to 2,700)
From 10,000 & below 100,000, rounded to closest 1,000 (45,499 rounded to 45,000, 45,500 rounded to 46,000)
From 100,000, rounded to closest 10,000
1. Sum of Working population & Required culture
Add the rounded "Working population" to the rounded "Required culture" from the population & culture popups.
= rounded

= ______ 150,000 __________________+ _______ 120,000
= 270,000
2. "Required for" calculation
The "Required for" culture is the Available culture (Total culture - Required culture) + the Neighbourly Help
- Required for 125% production, Available + NH is 20% of the sum (from 1.)
- Required for 150% production, Available + NH is 40% of the sum (from 1.)
- Required for 160% production, Available + NH is 60% of the sum (from 1.)
- Required for 170% production, Available + NH is 80% of the sum (from 1.)
The "Required for" is also rounded (see above)
Example 1, my account on Beta : (begining Chapter II)
Working population : 617, rounded to 620
Required culture : 402, rounded to 400
Sum : 1,020
Required for 125% production : 20% of 1,020 = 204, rounded to 200
Required for 150% production : 40% of 1,020 = 408, rounded to 410
Example 2, my account on Arendyll : (Halflings finished, awaiting Elementals)
Working population : 145,515, rounded to 150,000
Required culture : 122,653, rounded to 120,000
Sum : 270,000
Required for 125% production, 20% of 270,000 = 54,000, rounded to 54,000
Required for 150% production, 40% of 270,000 = 108,000, rounded to 110,000
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