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Black Friday


Thanks for the unicorn, Inno. A new friend for my scarecrow :)



I might, thanks for the idea. Although I think support might have their hands full dealing with more pressing requests.


I have 3 lots of Black Friday offers and 2 of them are identical. Did Inno mean to offer something else and get confused?


I've had 5 different offers so far, still waiting on the 20% off expansions but that is usually Cyber Monday
Me too.
Keeping my diamond pouch tightly closed until then :)


There's a carnival set on offer but I can't find any information on what it gives. Can anyone tell me where to find out about old sets?


I really love that set and one of the few sets I have upgraded through chapters. The real money price they are asking is too high in my opinion. It should have been a decent diamond cost.

Yes I have that set also and kept it with RR spells, a huge price though on the offer.


Yes I have that set also and kept it with RR spells, a huge price though on the offer.
Sadly I have only 3 parts of that set and would have gladly purchased it but the price was too high. I try to save up a lot of diamonds in case one of the good old sets comes up but every time they do offer one is only for money and very expensive too.
There's a carnival set on offer but I can't find any information on what it gives. Can anyone tell me where to find out about old sets?
In future:

Also good page to know is

iDavis page is very useful in general - you can look up all old event buildigns under buildings, by event, search them by name or search them by set - you can also see what they would give in every chapter.

You can also find info about upcoming events, start-end, their quests ahead of time, you can also choose your chapter you are in - and see chapter guest race goals etc...