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Armory limit and strategy


Is there a limit to the number of armories I can have in my elf city?


Is there a benefit/strategy utilising more armories?

Thank you


No limit.

There are benefits, but they are limited by activity. They increase your training size, meaning it will take more time for one order of troops to be finished in any training facility. Personally I have 9 armories which, together with my ancient wonders, means one stack of troops takes me about 5 hours.
This means a full barracks/ training grounds / merc camp training queue takes around 24 hours to finish. Perfect for a once-per-day login.
The benefit is a lot better with high level ancient wonders like Simia, Shrooms, Bulwark, Needles.


Is there a limit to the number of armories I can have in my elf city?


Is there a benefit/strategy utilising more armories?

Thank you
No but you will hit a real estate issue to prevent you from building more. There are 2 wonders that extend Training Size like armories: Shrewdy Shroom (end of Orc) and Dwarven Bulwark (end of Dwarf chapter). Bulwark is like a uber armory that never changes footprint as you level it. Therefore, it'll keep extending Training Size like a regular armory would but you'll never need to eat up more space for armories. Shrewdy makes existing armories more effective because it's a multiplier on total levels of armories you have. Orc chapter level armories can produce Orcs so unless you're only getting them from Orc Nests or other buildings, most people have some armories.

I have both built, but I learn heavier on Shrewdy than Bulwark. Bulwark gives free Sword Dancers, which I have no use for. Shrewdy gives free Light Range, which I never have enough of. I'm running 4 armories.


I have 7 armories at lev19 and just about to build Dwarfen Bulwark and will utilise Shrewdy as soon as I get there. Q. Is there a particular point to get to with upgrading Dwarfen, incuding building Shrewdy, when it is a good time to reduce armories? (BTW TY for responding.Appreciate it)


Armories can be build for various reasons. One of them is to get to a convenient time length of recruitment, as mentioned above. Another would be for the orcs, also mentioned. In even higher chapters, you get sentient goods too as a by-product if you have the Pyramid of Purification AW placed. As usual, it will depend on your style of play how many you would like to have and how many your city can accommodate. Increase/decrease as best fits your progress.


Ah, hum. I was looking at the strategy from a different point of view. I was not thinking that different styles of play could have the same outcome. I was looking at the best outcome coming from the best "style" of play. Which makes me ask; Is there anyone out there that thinks that there is a "best" style of pay and if you read this could you share your thoughts.
BB thank you for expanding the way I think. Which strategy do you play??


I was looking at the best outcome coming from the best "style" of play.
I think you need to define what outcome you are looking for, "best" can vary from player to player.
e.g. high scores in tournament and spire at minimal cost, advancing quickly through the chapters, achieving a high rank, etc.
Although the various options are not mutually exclusive, one will sometimes come at the cost of another.
In terms of fighting, producing enough troops is one side of the coin, the other side being how you use them. Which is where the experienced/knowledgeable fighters would need to advise, not my strong point :)


Definition of outcome I am looking for:- Lets look at what I am not wanting, hehe, and maybe I can fathom a question based on that. I would like to be able to have a daily game (on and off all day while I draw and paint whilst always listening to music) where I maybe don't run out of goods or military personnel; have culture at an acceptable level; and tournaments/spire/events so that I complete at least 2 levels and maybe spend a little on gems. My original question was trying to find a balance with my armouries and production of personnel and where the balance lies I spose between building for goods and fighting for spells. I have 7 and other people seem to do better with less.

Sir Derf

More Armories -> Larger Training Size -> Longer to train a Squad -> Longer to train all Squads in the Training Queue -> Longer time you can go between reloading the Training Queue without a Military building going idle.

And that, to me, is the key factor for how many Armories are optimal. If your game play is as Killiak's, you want enough armories that it takes a little over 24 hours to train a full Queue. If your game play is as you state (similar to mine), you want enough Armories that it takes a little over 9 hours to train a full Queue.

24 hours / 5 slots = 4.8 hours.
9 hours / 5 slots = 1.8 hours.

I'm in Chapter 17, my Level 39 Armories provide +560 to Squad Size, which is basically 15 minutes to train a squad/slot/Armory. 7 Armories mean 1h45m squads, 9 hour full Queue; 8 Armories mean 2 hour squads, 10 hour full Queues.

Now, this will also be moderated by Brown Bear effects. More Armories mean more troops per pickup, especially max pickup, so has some impact when Feeding the BB.

Also, I suppose, it makes a difference if you might want to use large Time Boosts to rush Troop production. 7+ Armories mean you can use 8 hour boosts without waste, but you would need

Can someone explain how the Shrewdy Shrooms works? A Level 1 SS gives 6X to what? The Training Size of 6 of the Barracks, or the Training Size of 566 of the Barracks + an Armory?

Hmmm, I've not given serious consideration to the Dwarven Bulwark... might need to reconsider...


I've got only one armoury, level 35 giving troop size of 450.
My bulwark is level 17 which adds 4300 troops.
For me it's a space thing, the bulwark adds the same as another 9 armouries. (ignoring the orc production of the armouries)
I try keep a full queue to 12 hours, as I upgrade my barracks, etc (faster) then I'll upgrade the bulwark to compensate (more troops).

From what I can gather, the shrooms level1 adds 6x {armoury levels} to your training size. For me it would be 6x35=210 added to the training size.

My troop production gets a free boost from the Simia Sapiens but that's more a nice side effect, it wan't my focus for building it.


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
@Sir Derf so a Level 1 Shroom will give you a Bonus Training Capacity based on your total Armory Levels... so for example I have 3 Lvl 35 Armories... so my Lvl 1 Shroom would give me 6 x 105 (630) additional units to Train. It's definitely worth having if that's your thing!! Really kicks your training size up a notch!!!

I do love my Bulwark though!


@Herodite how does upgrading the shrooms increase the benefit? Is it 1 per level?
level 2 = 7x, level 3 = 8x?
I can't see the different levels on PC
I'm also a bulwark fan :)


My troop production gets a free boost from the Simia Sapiens but that's more a nice side effect, it wan't my focus for building it.
To clarify, The Sapiens gives a collection bonus, it doesn't change the training size/time.

Sir Derf

Thanks on the Shroms knowledge.

Small nitpick - it's 1 per regular Level, 2 per Rune Ring Level (every 5), up to 40x at Level 30.

So, if a Level 39 Armory for me is +560, then A Shrewdy Shrooms gives multiplier*#Armories*39. With a Level 1 Shrewdy, that's 2.39 Armories. With a single Armory, that's 15x, or Level 9.

Sir Derf

Edit-Misinterpretation of Dwarven Bulwarks

Semi-Pointless Math here...

Most efficient per squares for a 9 hour visit.
Most efficient in squares to get the equivalent of, for me, 8 Armories of Troop Size, about 4,500.

Level 39 Armory gives +560 Troop Size in 28 squares. 8 Armories = 224 squares.

Level 30 Bulwark gives +150% Troop Size in 28 squares. Which means we only need 1,800 Troop Size, about 3.25 Armories. Bulwark +4 Armories = 140 squares, saving 84 squares, 37.5%

Level 30 Shrewdy Shrooms gives 40xArmories Levels. In 20 Squares.

2xL39 Armory (1,120) + L30SS (3,120) = 4,240. Not enough.
3xL39 Armory (1,680) + L30SS (4,680) = 6,360. More than enough.
3xL39 Armory (1,680) + L17SS (2,925) = 4,605. Jut right. In 3*28 + 20 = 104 squares, saving 120 squares, 53.6%.

1xL39Armory (560) + L30DB (840) + L30SS (1,560) = 2,960. Not enough.
2xL39Armory (1,120) + L30DB (1,680) + L30SS (3,120) = 5,920. More than enough.
2xL39Armory (1,120) + L20DB (1,176) + L20SS (2,184) = 4,480. Just right. In 2*28 + 28 + 20 = 104 squares, saving 120 squares, 53.6%.

So, in 104 squares, you can basically reach 9 hour military production Queues with either 2 Armories, a Level 20 Dwarven Bulwark and a Level 20 Shrewdy Shrooms with 40 Ancient Wonder Levels or with 3 Armories and a Level 17 Shrewdy Shrooms with only 17 Ancient Wonder Levels.
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@Sir Derf I think your DB numbers are out. It works as a percentage of squad size so it should be way higher.

Sir Derf

Edit-Still misunderstanding Dwarven Bulwarks.

Percentage of Squad Size, so that would include Shrewdy Shrrooms Squad Size, too?

1xL39Armory (560) + L30SS (1,560) + L30DB (3,180)= 5,300. More than enough.
1xL39Armory (560) + L30SS (1,560) + L21DB (2,385) = 4,505. Just right. In 1*28 + 28 + 20 = 76 squares, saving 148 squares, 66.1%., 51 Ancient Wonder Levels.

If that's correct, then most efficient in squares, balanced by More AW Levels.
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