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City Allow Magic Academy to be deleted


It gets worse. In the current Beat release the Magic Academy is a mandatory technology.

We're just seeing the foundation, and it takes a bit of imagination to visualize the entire house.
I think it to be more precise to say we saw the preview: the barracks. Many disliked it so the devs came up with a totally new design. Unfortunately it was never the aesthetics that were initially the issue though...


Hello :) ,

First post, sorry it had to be about this ;)

I have never needed any of the boosts the spells give, and until Dwarves I could even do without the Fellowship benefits of mass-polishing.

I did do the two magic researches in between Dwarves and Fairies, so I didn't mind the Quest that had me research Magic Academy.

But I am not amused at now having a mandatory Quest to build one while not being able to delete it. So I am stopping doing the Main story quests. If that means I will never find out the story any further, so be it...


The game exists only because it makes some people money. That is an objective reality so I will start from there. A primary goal of the business which produces Elvenar should be to make more money. Revenue for Elvenar is generated by players paying money for in-game benefits. I may not myself be an expert in the matter, but my little brother is an actuary--an ultra high-paying profession that deals with the mathematics of statistical projections, and I do know the basics of how this stuff works.

There is, I am sure, an identifiable and reliable percentage of players that pay. The path to increased revenue for a game like this, naturally, is to increase the number of players that pay. Trying to increase the percentage of players that do pay is an enormously difficult task, and may not be feasible. Therefore, increased revenue can be achieved simply by increasing the total number of players as much as possible, and then relying upon that percentage of paying customers to hold, and as it does, the number of paying customers increases as well. Revenue goes up and the business is happy.

Here is the problem I see with the magic academy and it affects your bottom line: you can't increase your player base if you've taken your eye off the ball and you are not focusing on how your base of players is reacting in the first place. You guys seem so focused on what might be enjoyable to attract new players that you are not taking care of your existing players, and you are losing them. The path to increased revenue is to increase marketshare, not to ditch your marketshare while trying to attract an entirely new one using the same product. If you want to abandon your users and ignore them and go after a different set of users, that only makes sense if you are doing it with an entirely different product with market research behind it to back you up.

We don't want the Magic Academy. I'm sorry the time and effort put into it was wasted. We still don't want it. At the very least, you could make it removable and smaller. Make it optional. Then you don't have to think your efforts were wasted. They will be used, if only by very few people, and if only temporarily while they figure out that they don't actually want it.

How about it? Why not try listening to your users? Why not take the path to success and increased revenue.


The game exists only because it makes some people money. That is an objective reality so I will start from there. A primary goal of the business which produces Elvenar should be to make more money. Revenue for Elvenar is generated by players paying money for in-game benefits. I may not myself be an expert in the matter, but my little brother is an actuary--an ultra high-paying profession that deals with the mathematics of statistical projections, and I do know the basics of how this stuff works.

There is, I am sure, an identifiable and reliable percentage of players that pay. The path to increased revenue for a game like this, naturally, is to increase the number of players that pay. Trying to increase the percentage of players that do pay is an enormously difficult task, and may not be feasible. Therefore, increased revenue can be achieved simply by increasing the total number of players as much as possible, and then relying upon that percentage of paying customers to hold, and as it does, the number of paying customers increases as well. Revenue goes up and the business is happy.

Here is the problem I see with the magic academy and it affects your bottom line: you can't increase your player base if you've taken your eye off the ball and you are not focusing on how your base of players is reacting in the first place. You guys seem so focused on what might be enjoyable to attract new players that you are not taking care of your existing players, and you are losing them. The path to increased revenue is to increase marketshare, not to ditch your marketshare while trying to attract an entirely new one using the same product. If you want to abandon your users and ignore them and go after a different set of users, that only makes sense if you are doing it with an entirely different product with market research behind it to back you up.

We don't want the Magic Academy. I'm sorry the time and effort put into it was wasted. We still don't want it. At the very least, you could make it removable and smaller. Make it optional. Then you don't have to think your efforts were wasted. They will be used, if only by very few people, and if only temporarily while they figure out that they don't actually want it.

How about it? Why not try listening to your users? Why not take the path to success and increased revenue.
ALL of this. <3



Forcing to build huge useless building without option to sell it - its just like taking 4x5 space from each elvenar player imho

I was buying diamonds on regular basis, but decided not to buy anymore until this building will be possible to delete.
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I will wait 'til I have frittered away the rest of the diamonds that I bought and got someone to take over the FS, then I'm out of here


Perhaps we could at least receive some feedback? What is the reasoning behind forcing players to build the academy?

Maybe if there is some sensible reason, some vision for the future, some development in progress which would explain why the academy is necessary, then I might be convinced to build it. But at the moment I see no benefit and won't build it.

So perhaps with some more transparency or well any kind of feedback at all for that matter, opposition to what for a lot of players is a useless building, can be allayed.


Ok so I'm probably gonna cop some hate over this but I'm going to change my stance somewhat, it took me weeks to build this monstrosity, I still hate the size of it but now that the new update has brought some welcome and surprisingly nice little bonus gifts in the guise of treasure when we do our NH I don't hate it as much. In one of my cities I bought diamonds and used some to get to the 3rd level upgrade and I have to admit I can now see some benefits. the spells now produce at a much more acceptable pace so I use them and for me anyway it is now useful.

I don't mind paying for diamonds occasionally and I understand that nothing in life is actually free, the dev's don't work for free, the game is not interrupted constantly with adds so I feel it's worthwhile spending a little money on. I like this game and I have no problem paying for something I enjoy in moderation, but I still have some objections.

If the dev's are still interested in feedback here's some things to digest.
I still have a problem with the size of the building, although now I have it in my city I understand the dev's thinking, I have one city which I have not spent diamonds on and space is a major problem so being hobbled by the tech tree and then the quest line to include a 5x5 building I don't intend to spend diamonds on in order to get to level 3 and make it worthwhile is not fair, there should be a long way around and have the diamonds as a short cut if a player chooses, I much prefer the options like the premium cultural buildings which give players a greater benefit without railroading them.

The way the dev's treated players by asking for feedback and essentially ignoring it was also questionable, the way the building was forced on players and the point it sits at in the tech tree is still a difficult choice for starter players, I would be interested to know how many people "give up" at this point. The inclusion of the treasure's when visiting cities is a nice touch, and the spells, relics and KP are always welcome.


Having finally given in and built the MA having completed the tech tree and being fed up with keeping on getting dwarven quests I then find that I can only progress past lvl 2 by paying diamonds, which makes it even more worthless.


They might finally listen after 3, 5 years (if the game will be still alive :D) of complaining that nobody wants it. Because it is useless. Or is way too big for what it gives. should be like 3x3 max.


Why the devs feel the need to force us to build certain buildings, but more importantly, not allow us to delete them afterwards should we choose to is beyond me. Hopefully they don't get the brilliant idea of making the construction of the academy part of the mandatory questline.

I'm still stuck on the mandatory chapter 1 quest "build a barracks" and I'm half-way through chapter 5 right now. All due to the same reason: I have no use for the building and I wouldn't be able to delete it if I were to build it... :rolleyes:

So +1

The only three buildings I can see as mandatory are the main hall, trader and builder's hut. Mind you, I don't quite agree with the trader requiring population though if it's mandatory to build it. Just my off-topic opinion... :p

Also hate how they force us to spend KP's on production upgrades for goods we don't have boosted and won't build. Feel like I'm being shafted from a few angles in this game ...

sorry I lagged and it posted twice

Edited: Zanyah - 2016-07-14 - Removed your accidental double post ;)
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Deleted User - 276476

Yes I hate wasting my kp's on goods buildings that aren't boosted because I trade for all my other goods


+1 If the challenge of space is about how to arrange the city (as was mentioned elsewhere on the forum) then we should be free to balance that challenge with the costs of building/selling buildings as need allows.


I have no problem with the game being a money making venture, after all that's what business is for. What I do have a problem with is greed and business decisions that don't make sense. There is much in this game that falls under both of those categories. There will ALWAYS be players who are cashed up and more than happy to spend real world money in games. Some will spend small amounts on a reasonably regular basis, and some will spend vast sums. There will always be players who won't spend a dime, and some, like me who would spend a little.

I've only been playing a short while, but the Magic Academy, along with a couple of other buildings take up a large amount of space and the simple fact is, the ONLY reason they are mandatory and can not be sold is developer profit. You are forced to put up with it or forfeit being able to play quest lines which is more like a hard shove than a push, to spend real money. This is really unsound business practice. More often than not players will abandon a game if they feel overly pressured to spend. The more a game tries to force me to spend, the more I dig in my heels not to. Where I would normally be happy to spend on occasion, this practice makes me not want to spend anything at all. As someone with a marketing background it's obvious that if you keep players happy they are far more inclined to stay with a game, and also far more inclined to spend. It's just common sense that if you have a few million players where say 20% never spend and 20% are high volume spenders, keeping the other 60% happy and spending, even in small increments long term, is far better than at least half of those people abandoning the game altogether. It's a sure fire way to actually decrease profit in the long run and extremely short sighted. Each day I see more and more provinces surrounding my city being abandoned. As I said, it makes poor business sense.

Rant over ;)


how is it totally useless? and how does it waste relics? what else are relics used for other than creating spells lol

I'm making spells with it all the time. The boost I get to supplies/goods on them is pretty decent. Haven't got far enough for the culture spell yet. Although I don't know if its actually more beneficial to fill those squares with more workshops for example. can anyone actually confirm if workshops to full up 4x5 would be better than the spells?
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