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More acronyms than a bowl of alphabet soup......
I thought it might be useful for new players to have a reference for the commonly used acronyms here and in game.
Please add a comment with whatever I might have missed.
In no particular order:

MH = Main Hall
NH = Neighbourly Help
MA = Magic Academy
AW = Ancient Wonder
KP = Knowledge Point
AWKP = Ancient Knowledge instant for use on AWs
PoP = Power of Provision spell (use on workshops)
MM = Magical Manufacturing spell (use on manufactories)
EE = Ensorcelled Endowment spell (use on culture buildings)
FS = Fellowship
FSA or FA = Fellowship Adventure
RR = Royal Restoration (used to upgrade event buildings)
DA = Dwarven Armourer
MMM = Magnificent Mage Multiplier
ELR = Enlightened Light Range
UUU = Unleashed Unit Upgrade
BH = Builder's hut
C = Culture
CC = Combining Catalyst
RNG = Random Number Generator
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No way! Really?
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More acronyms than a bowl of alphabet soup......
I thought it might be useful for new players to have a reference for the commonly used acronyms here and in game.
Please add a comment with whatever I might have missed.
In no particular order:

MH = Main Hall
NH = Neighbourly Help
MA = Magic Academy
AW = Ancient Wonder
KP = Knowledge Point
AWKP = Ancient Knowledge instant for use on AWs
PoP = Power of Provision spell (use on workshops)
MM = Magical Manufacturing spell (use on manufactories)
EE = Ensorcelled Endowment spell (use on culture buildings)
FA = Fellowship Adventure
FS = Fellowship
I personally use
FSA = Fellowship Adventure
since FS = Fellowship
seems more consistent to me
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Daughter of the Dragon!
Elvenar Team
I leave you lot for 5mins!!! :D

Now... I have to refer you all to Forum Rule 8 regarding Acronyms!! So whilst I enjoy a bit of humour as much as the next Fiend... im sorry guys but i'm going to have to amend the Post!

Tsk to you all!! TSK!!



@Herodite, oops.
I did wonder if that would land me in the naughty corner.
I'll consider my knuckles rapped :)


It wasn't me, it was the RNG monkeys. Yip, I'm going with that excuse :D


Needs an update.

FA - Fellowship Adventure

Wonders all 2 or 3 letters, example

BTG - Blooming Trader Guild
GA - Golden Abyss

To note many use DA and EE in two contexts, for example

DA - Dragon Abbey in the AW help context or DA - Dwarven Armorer - I got one in the Spire, also EE - Endless Excavation and Enscrolled Endownment

There are many more.
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