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a button to act only within your own clan


Second trading place for the clans separated from the whole world. To keep trade within their own clan.

For fair trade for your own clan to separate the many lopsided trade in the world.If you can not trade within your own clan, then you put it on the world.
does not seem so difficult when elvenar claimed to act in the clan is free .This should also be kept as separate. So you do not suddenly have to pay a price, because another outside your clan takes it away.


There is already a function like this in FoE... a check that limits the display of an offer to only your fellows... very usefull when some goods are missing.

But in counterpart, if all fellowships are reserving some goods to their own use and you are in another fellowship that misses that good...
Guess what ?
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almost all clans are balanced in goods . :) And if youre higher lvl you need more goods then a lower one so big world trading will allways be needed .


That still does not make the fact ,that you have to pay if some one is not in youre world yet .And clan trading is free .When you claim this should it not be possible ?


You only have to pay if you are accepting a trade from someone you have not discovered yet...the the penalty is your choice, You don't pay if someone you don't know accepts your trade.