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Closed | Archived Wrong quest order.


Game version: 0.33.3169-v0.33.3-(master) (2016-01-22 9:14)
Game world: 1
Browser + version: Chrome Version 47.0.2526.111 m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 8
Screen resolution: 1600x900
Account name: marcopoloq
Humans or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: Time for a new beginning

Current situation:
In the new update human ancient wonders are now mandatory for advancing to the 5th era. This means that the 2 researches Squad Size Upgrade 9 and Squad Size Upgrade 10 are needed to unlock Human Ancient Wonders. The quest order however has not been changed, so you get the quest for Human Ancient Wonders first and the quest for the 2 squad upgrades second.

Expected situation:
You get the quest for squad upgrade 9 and 10 first and the quest for human ancient wonder second.

Reproduction Steps
1. Complete the quest for the Human Ancient Wonders research


Thank you marcopoloq for reporting this issue,

I can confirm that under certain circumstances it is indeed possible to receive the quest "Time for a New Beginning" after the quest "Arcane Runes" but when that happens the "Time for a New Beginning" quest will always appear as allready completed and the player thus affected can just finish it.

I will prefix this report as confirmed.