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Wonky wonder maths


I process donations for my fellowship's wonder society. After hundreds of wonders through the spreadsheet without a problem I came across a weird one tonight

If you look at the top number ... fantastic 1150/1150
However if you actually add up all of the individual contributions you get 1165/1150 which hurts my logical brain

and to top it all off I raised a ticket (since maths not mathing is a fairly major glitch in a game like elvenar) However, since the glitch was observed in a wonder that was not owned by me, Support would only confirm that 1150 was required to complete the wonder but could/would not confirm anything else because it wasn't my wonder. this finished off breaking my brain for the night

doesnt add up.png


Mother of the Forum!
Elvenar Team
Hi @Russ129 the best thing to do is to get the Player in question to contact Support and we can look into it a little further. :)

Unfortunately it is the case that Support cannot provide information for other Players Accounts no matter the good intentions behind your enquiry :)

Kind Regards



Did the player that finished it off maybe add 20kp when only 5 were required?
yup, I'm thinking this too although you usually get a pop up saying you are adding more than required, do you want to continue.....apparently whomever did, wasting kp's


Surplus KPs pass through an interdimensional rift in space-time, and are utilised by beings in the higher vibrational planes for their own version of Elvenar.
I wonder if they get our coins and supplies overflow as well?