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Women of the World - Recruiting


Our fellowship is called ‘Women of the World’ and we currently have one position vacant.

We are a friendly and very helpful group of women, who support each other as much as possible and often delight in friendly banter between each other. But, we don’t mind if you’re a little more reserved too. If you’re a fairly new city, just ask and we can help you out as much as we can. :D:D

We are mostly fairly relaxed, but we are quite keen on our Tournaments and Fellowship Adventures, and we do the best we can at the Spire. We have won a Gold Medal once and will hopefully do it again soon. :cool:

If you are interested in being part of our fellowship you will need to be able to abide by our rules which are:-
  • Be a woman.
  • Be Active – If you plan to be away for a while, please let either the Archmage, Mage or Ambassador know. The 'city name' should also be change to the return date in your profile.
  • Fair Trading – No less than 2 stars (**). 3 strikes you’re out!
  • Communication – You will need to respond to messages when applicable, especially from Archmage, Mages or Ambassadors. 3 strikes you're out!
  • Frequent visits to our other fellowship members, daily preferable.
  • Treat other fellowship members in a friendly manner and with respect. (No colourful language, please.) ;)
  • Participate in the Tournaments – we win 10 chests every week now.
  • Participate in the Fellowship Adventures – we are very keen on them, but like to have fun with them too. We have come 4th a few times.
  • Participate in the Spire as well as you can.
So, if you are interested in being a part of our fellowship, please send me a message.

Hoping to hear from you,

Thank you,
Women of the World


Hi Celtic Woman, as Denerleigh our Archmage is sleeping at moment I will send you a message in your city
thanks for your interest