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Answered Witch's hut, boblin's and others worth keeping at lower levels?


H, I have a witch's hut level 4, Boblins level 8, Witch summoning circle level 6, are these worth keeping or is it possible to get upgrades in the future please?


H, I have a witch's hut level 4, Boblins level 8, Witch summoning circle level 6, are these worth keeping or is it possible to get upgrades in the future please?
I usually never build an evo building if t can't be at level 9 at least but now that you have them...

The Which hut is a very good building and I the artifacts can be found in the Magic Academy (if you have blueprints or diamonds to craft them).

I think that the Witch Summoning Circle artifacts are currently in the Spire. But have never placed that one, I don't think it's particularly good.

Not sure if the Boblin's artifacts are already in the MA. I like to occasionally bring that one out of the inventory as it give one MM spell/24h (at level 10) and since I almost only produce CCs in the MA this one helps with MMs.

Edit: sorry, the Witch doctor's artifacts are in the Spire, I always mix them up.


H, I have a witch's hut level 4, Boblins level 8, Witch summoning circle level 6, are these worth keeping or is it possible to get upgrades in the future please?
I would keep them, you will eventually get artifacts to evolve them further....same as @Hekata , before placing any evolve in my city, I first ensure I have all 9 artifacts to evolve it fully.....btw, I have all 3 (actually 4, I have 2 witch's huts) in my city as I play where I mainly depend on hybrids for population
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It was a beginners question, I made all the mistakes and then had nearly a year off, as such there had been quite a few changes like the Cauldron thing which I don't use, since starting again I haven't been lucky to win any artifacts to upgrade and I'm terribly unsuccessful in the spire even when i do manage to reach the top, thanks for the replies though, i'm storing them for the meantime.


The cauldron stars need to be upgraded over time. Please note, nothing fast about this item. At low level chapters you do not get enough resources to get a potion every time. The best way is to do a potion with one ingredient, so you can get to the learning phase where you can upgrade the star levels. I mainly focus on upgrading the t1 boost and have that around 30 stars at the moment. This gives me a decent chance of getting a potion for use during FAs (bracelet) production).


The cauldron stars need to be upgraded over time. Please note, nothing fast about this item. At low level chapters you do not get enough resources to get a potion every time. The best way is to do a potion with one ingredient, so you can get to the learning phase where you can upgrade the star levels. I mainly focus on upgrading the t1 boost and have that around 30 stars at the moment. This gives me a decent chance of getting a potion for use during FAs (bracelet) production).
Do i really need to use it?! it just seems a lot of palaver for very little, perhaps it's just because i'm still very little too


Do i really need to use it?! it just seems a lot of palaver for very little, perhaps it's just because i'm still very little too
I think the benefits grow as your city does but if you don't worry about specific recipes, just toss in a few ingredients and whatever you get is more than you had a minute before you brewed the potions :)
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I think the benefits grow as your city does but if you don't worry about specific recipes, just toss in a few ingredients and whatever you get is more than you had a minute before you brewed the potions :)
That's my philosophy in a nutshell @Jake65. :)

I make sure to totally avoid those ingredients that ask for diamonds! :confused: