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Wishing Wells


Are wishing wells being phased out, as prizes, in the game ?


Master of the Elements
It would seem so. Inno hasn't said anything specific on the matter, but not a single one is offered with this event. It's the same with Carting Libraries. The feeling is that they want to reduce the numbers of diamonds that some players are getting by farming diamonds and KPs from many of those buildings. I doubt they will be gone completely. Perhaps they will be rarer prizes now, as with the Genie. I've said it before, but it wouldn't surprise me if we see these two buildings as Fellowship Adventure prizes and not offered anywhere else. They will kill two birds with one stone that way as it may increase FA interest.
Agree! It seems that the genies are the target to achieve and made us all do spire. Well, someone of us aren't that spire lovers, but will be forced!
My thought may be somehow deeper, I guess. Visionary, may be!
T the M