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Whiskers of the Past


It's a crazy mixed up (Western) world. Those of you not on board with this whacked out way of seeing the world will be getting a visit from the men in black pretty soon! You have been warned!


Master of the Elements
So, thoughts on this event so far...

After the (very short) first time novelty, I have never liked the misty forest... misty desert... whatever it's called now. It seems like lots and lots of effort for no point. It also feels much harder to win daily prizes than in other event types. This might be nice if they designed it as a very quick mini-game within an event... but making this drudgery last 25 days is fairly torturous.

The quests look like they are very similar to the last event. So no surprise there then. If I am now resigned to the fact that I only need sentient goods in events, then T1-3 standard goods have become almost redundant now. I will even consider removing my old, previously great sets (Jester's Tavern, Kirit/Krarak, etc) if there comes a time where they no longer feel aesthetically pleasing to me.

The evolving building? Well having a 5 x 3 shape is a bit of a curveball. I quite like it, but I am not convinced about the level 10 floating pyramid aspect. Payout-wise... meh... some more light-ranged goods, I guess, is not a bad thing.


Master of the Elements
To put this into perspective... Today I wanted to get this stupid little 3x1 daily prize called Furry Sands. There was no point except that I had a tiny little space that it would have gone nicely into. In the old days (I'll also add) this wouldn't have come close to qualifying as a "daily exclusive". Nonetheless, I got it into my head that this is what I needed in that little spot.

So, I started the day with my full compliment of event currency. I completed the quests up to the locked stage, and I even unlocked the gold/royal bit for an extra 2,000 diamonds, which gave me another 250 currency or something. Furry Sands appeared on deck very quickly. I think I pressed re-roll twice and it appeared.

I then proceeded to empty everything I had into the misty desert. My evolving building is levelled up to level 7 already (not far off 8), and I am 59 points clear of the current gold threshold.

I have not hit a daily prize, even once.

Now, I know you may say - Oh, RNG - but this would never have happened in any other form of event. It literally could not happen in the shuffleboard, and with the 3 chest event system I likely would've had a daily prize about 15-20 times over.


Now, I know you may say - Oh, RNG
Well, no actually. I'd say the system is rigged.



T1-3 standard goods have become almost redundant now.
I know what you mean @Pauly7. I'm still finding that Spire and Tournament can consume lots of these (and other) goods.

The destruction of orcs in other parts of the game is my biggest gripe. Especially since my guest factories also burn them up at a furious rate. :mad:

I recognise that the game devs/designers like to present a challenging environment. But I'm continually feeling ripped-off.


Master of the Elements
Well, no actually. I'd say the system is rigged
If it is, then you have to think... why bother even having daily prizes at all? In seriousness I don't think it is rigged. I think they're fully aware, though, that they have made it much much less likely that you can pick them up now. In my case this was probably multiplied by a run of bad luck. I wouldn't be so bothered, except this little item I wanted was of no more actual use to me than a Winter Lampions or something. And I probably spent more than 3,000 event currency unsuccessfully chasing it.


Master of the Elements
I know what you mean @Pauly7. I'm still finding that Spire and Tournament can consume lots of these (and other) goods.
I guess I should do more catering to compensate. I may attempt to run down a few million of each and see how it looks. I definitely smell conspiracy on this one. They have long wanted to run the old powerful goods producing sets out of town. And they do this by taking away anyone's need to use those goods ever again, if you have been playing the game long enough to own them.


At risk of having players marching to my city with battering rams and flaming torches, there are some quests that I think need some tweaking.
This besides the (ridiculous for late chapter cities) province related ones which have been raised before.

1. Use 4 CCs.
Method: Start crafting, quest completed, cancel crafting, get CCs back.
Suggestion {dons chainmail} : the quest is only completed once the crafting is finished and collected.

2. Place "x" number of trades:
Method: Place trades of any arbitrary size, quest completed, cancel trades.
Suggestion {grabs fire extinguisher} : the quest is only completed when the placed trades get taken.

I'm sure there are others but these two popped up in the last couple of days so are still fresh in my memory.

Keen to hear what others think? I really don't like the province quests or upgrade buildings, etc. but the other extreme is some are just way too easy. Or too easy to workaround.


Master of the Elements
1. Use 4 CCs.
Method: Start crafting, quest completed, cancel crafting, get CCs back.
Suggestion {dons chainmail} : the quest is only completed once the crafting is finished and collected.
I suspect that this is not easy to program. "Use 4 CC" quests are designed to use up people's CC stocks. They will be well aware of your workaround, but I also guess that there is no link, programming-wise, between crafting being completed and the number of CCs that it cost. That being said, they could change it into a "gain X vision vapour" quest, though I suppose there would be no guarantee of CCs being used at all. Is there an alternative way to spend CCs? I can't think of one.

2. Place "x" number of trades:
Method: Place trades of any arbitrary size, quest completed, cancel trades.
Suggestion {grabs fire extinguisher} : the quest is only completed when the placed trades get taken.
I actually think that's a really good idea and should be easier to do. People will work around it, especially if you have a fellowship, but I am all for ways to slow the quest completion down a little. Make it at least something to think about. These quests could be "Gain X (boosted+1) T1 through trading". It could be chapter specific so someone in chapter 20 has to gain about 100k.


Master of the Elements
Upgrade an AW :eek: {ducks to avoid incoming stones}
Ah yes, good point. And presumably you could do the exact same thing of start an upgrade then cancel it. Again, it may not be easy for Inno to overcome that dodge.