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Answered What is the limit for NH on Main Hall?

Is there a limit on the amount of coins one can receive from NH visits to the Main Hall?

e.g. is it a percentage of total capacity, etc.

I am referring to the total amount of coins that can be accumulated before a collection. i.e. per pickup.


Not that I am aware of, they stack but I collect daily so unsure if the same neighbour adding 24 hours later would add.

Saying that help on the main hall is not the best way to collect coins, I currently get 0.5% of capacity per help there, but help on culture etc returns far more coins overall.


I read somewhere that there's a limit of 20 'helps' so I guess whatever that equates to in coins.
I'm curious if the MH availability for help stops if the coins waiting for collection exceed the capacity or if the excess gets lost/truncated when you collect.
Or stays there as a credit balance for when coins get used?


straight from the wiki's mouth
Screenshot (3).png

but I too believe any help after 20, the coins are lost


Just wanted to mention something that frustrates me when I see it :) There are many that require help at Main Hall as their first choice and then require also culture or builder help. These people don't understand that Main Hall is always present when you give help. So no matter if you have gotten your 20 Main Hall helps, it will still be available (and thus any further help in the form of coins is lost). So asking for any help after Main Hall is pointless, because if everyone is following your preference for Main Hall, you would never get anything else.
So please stop placing at your description MBC or MCB or Main Hall, culture, builder. Main Hall alone is exactly the same :)
So asking for any help after Main Hall is pointless
Thanks for saying it @sail0r. It annoys me also. Some players don't get it I suppose.

I have asked in Suggestions and Ideas for the whole issue to be obviated by having the game provide the option for players to auto select their NH preferences, such as a Settings control. Then when other players visit they would only see your preference for receiving NH. I'm guessing that suggestion went into the 'too hard basket', or perhaps the 'we-terminate-your-suggestion-with-extreme-prejudice bin'. :)


Just wanted to mention something that frustrates me when I see it :) There are many that require help at Main Hall as their first choice and then require also culture or builder help. These people don't understand that Main Hall is always present when you give help. So no matter if you have gotten your 20 Main Hall helps, it will still be available (and thus any further help in the form of coins is lost). So asking for any help after Main Hall is pointless, because if everyone is following your preference for Main Hall, you would never get anything else.
So please stop placing at your description MBC or MCB or Main Hall, culture, builder. Main Hall alone is exactly the same :)
Yes I have to admit this one drives me bonkers as well. Ive lost track of the number of people Ive explained this one too who just dont get it.If their first choice is Main Hall then it will be ONLY Main Hall as there is no point putting anything else. * stomps off*


Let's see this from another perspective shall we: Some players (cough like me cough) don't always respect the main choice, namely because they click faster than they read. So in cases where we have, for instance, MH-C-BH, those... absentminded players (cough cough) happily think: "well culture was their 2nd option, so all's well, they won't mind too much" :D
Let's see this from another perspective shall we: Some players (cough like me cough) don't always respect the main choice, namely because they click faster than they read. So in cases where we have, for instance, MH-C-BH, those... absentminded players (cough cough) happily think: "well culture was their 2nd option, so all's well, they won't mind too much" :D
That's my excuse also @Hekata. Not so much absent-mindedness though on my part; when I'm speed clicking through a big number of NHs I reach a point where I am just sick of trying to decipher and inspect every combination of 'BH>M>C' and 'MH-C-B please thank you and have a nice day'. o_O

If the game is not interested in providing us with a way to automatically select our NH preference, then a 'Return All NH' button would be nice. Ignore everyone's preferences altogether! :p


I never bother with people's preferences. It takes enough time going through umpteen pages without having to read everything. My position is that NH is help and you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. If only the first 20 NH count in main hall and 50 people click on it then you have lost out on 30 NH that could have gone to culture.


Compromise and give your fellows exactly what they want and then speed click through your NH. After all your are there to help and be helped.