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Answered What happens if I sell my training grounds?


I want to sell my training grounds as I'm not using it at the moment. If I sell it can I buy it back later? I'm a bit concerned as on the menu it says "can only be built once". Does that mean I can only BUILD it once or I can only HAVE one?

Deleted User - 106219

You can build it again later (at least that's how it should be if there's no bug somewhere). I mean, the portals of the guest races can also be "built only once", but if you sell a particular portal you can rebuild it later. Should be the same here.


I hope that's true, I daren't risk it atm though, this game seems very unfair sometimes.

Deleted User - 1634960

That notation does mean that you can only have one. If you sell your current one it will be available in the build menu again. ;)