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Answered What do the padlocks mean in the spire?


Questions and more questions, please can anyone confirm to me what those padlocks mean in the spire and also what does "do you wish to use saved points to unlock the next chest" when in the spire please? As per attachment


  • Spire Padlocks.jpg
    Spire Padlocks.jpg
    82.1 KB · Views: 53


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
These are part of the multiplayer aspect of our weekly Spire of Eternity Event. As this counter fills as each member if the Fellowship contributes crystals by completing Chests. These then unlock at these points to release the rewards that are granted at the end of each week. See our wonderful Wiki here for full details.
The ''do you wish to use saved points'' refers to the Perks system to assist Fellowships to unlock more rewards based on the accrued points the Fellowship has.


These are part of the multiplayer aspect of our weekly Spire of Eternity Event. As this counter fills as each member if the Fellowship contributes crystals by completing Chests. These then unlock at these points to release the rewards that are granted at the end of each week. See our wonderful Wiki here for full details.
The ''do you wish to use saved points'' refers to the Perks system to assist Fellowships to unlock more rewards based on the accrued points the Fellowship has.
So am I right in thinking if nobody else reaches any further I won't get any rewards higher than where the purple is filled?


As @kimkimkim says, you will still gain some highly useful individual rewards for each gate/level you complete by yourself. Even the occasional magic chest if you're lucky. Sometimes even a Magic Residence or Magic Workshop if the gods are smiling upon you. :)

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Since i've returned I haven't been lucky with any of those, not even a raccoon or anything like that upgrade so i'm certainly not being smiled upon quite yet but shall live in hope, I'm trying to catch up and it isn't something that can be done in a week or two, I have a lot of items in my inventory from the early stages of the game like the base building for Golem and what have you but no upgrades, I wasn't sure whether to keep them or let them go, I cant believe just how much has changed in a year, perhaps 18 months.


Many of us don't place such buildings until we can collect all 9 upgrade instants. City space is precious, so I get the maximum benefit that way.

Thanks for your forum postings @Ellania. :)

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Save-the-Forum :cool:
Thank you and the others for all your help and advice as it's very much appreciated, I had several down when i retruns and stored them all inm my inventory for hopefully when one day i may just be able to upgrade them all, I still have that Nimble down but it does give good rewards daily at level 7 i think it is, all those others were level 2-4 so i'd make better of the space, i've been going around in circles upgrading things so my city layout tends to change every week or two, i would like one for keeps but when you get to the next chapter it's like, I have to redo it all due to the houses pointing the other way and some days it's difficult to get the zeal to do so much but i'm sure i'll get there.

I still feel very much a beginner in comparison to most and I do have some idea here and there, i have lapses and forget what i was doing. :rolleyes:


i've been going around in circles upgrading things so my city layout tends to change every week or two, i would like one for keeps but when you get to the next chapter it's like, I have to redo it all due to the houses pointing the other way and some days it's difficult to get the zeal to do so much but i'm sure i'll get there.
Can be annoying, but it's part of the fun too. Things will slow down as you approach the higher chapters. It just gets harder and more expensive, so things take a lot longer to update. Patience is a virtue. Or in the case of Elvenar, a necessity. :cool: