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Question What Ancient Wonders should I build first?


I started with Abyss, never built the Tome in any of my cities. Others might say that Tome, for first chapters is useful, they might be right, I don't deny it but IMO you should build wonders that are useful in all chapters - low and end chapters.

Sir Derf

Golden Abyss you will probably keep through the whole game, being useful for gold at first and population later. Tome of Secrets is useful early, when scouting is faster, but will probably be eventually removed in favor of other Wonders or buildings. I would suggest the GA before the TS, but both eventually.


I think you can build any of them, both are useful. Just think about what you’ll do with them. Here’s my experience.

Golden Abyss gives less people per square than residences until you reach the Dwarves chapter (6th) or so. However, it was the first wonder I built in my second city anyway, because I knew I’d keep it and I needed a place for excess knowledge points anyway (when tech-locked, when winning KP in events, when a quest asks for investing KP). And it’s really small comparing to other wonders.

Tome is a very good wonder in the beginning of the game, however it loses its appeal in later game, when scout takes just too long. In one of my cities I think I built it at the beginning and didn’t invest any KP in it. It was useful as it was. When later the place was better used for something else, I just deleted it.


Master of the Elements
I think at the point they become available, Tome of Secrets is absolutely the most important. It is an incredible AW in the early game. The trick is to not invest TOO much in it, because it will become much more useless in a few chapters' time. However, when first unlocked it will give you so many more supplies than your workshops will, plus it will save you valuable space and population at a tricky time in the game.


I think it's really important to build the one you need before the second one.

ps as you seem to be new I should point out this is a fairly 'normal' response for me.

pps Tomes short term , Abyss long term


ToS!!! By far the most powerful AW early on!
Upgrade it to lvl 6 as soon as you can (and don´t bother with any other AWs until you do, none of them will help you nearly as much, I would say). Later in the game (in maybe 2 years or so, when you reach chapter 15) you will probably want to delete it again, so don´t go overboard upgrading it.
The ToS saves you enormous quantities of space by replacing loads of workshops (and that saves you from building more residences and culture)!

The GA is an amazing AW later in the game, but early on, it is far worse than your regular residences. So don´t waste your precious space on it right away. Build it when you reach the guest races and when you have no other more pressing AW projects, but don´t expect wonders from it right away, it needs a high chapter of your city and a high level on it´s own to really shine, it´s more of a long-term project.


With the new runeshards thing ToS might be interesting indeed for the early game.
as long as you only invest spare useless runeshards in it and nothing valueable you could also invest in other wonders (read KP / KP instants) it might be worth it to get some levels into it. but in the late game it's a burden and it should be trashed.

Abyss is very weak early game but quite powerfull in the late game.