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Question Weekly quests in the Seasons...


Once you have finished chapter 21 and long sold off your settlement buildings and then you get a weekly quest to use PPs and you get 0 for them with no settlement, it's a bit annoying and an unfair request, don't you think?
Can you give us quests that we can do without getting rid of inventory items for 0 return.

As father Ted and Dougal said 'Down with this sort of thing'.


It would be better if the quest was to disenchant PPs. Then at least you'd get some spell fragments for them.
On second thoughts, does disenchanting count as using?


I just checked and disenchanting doesn't count towards it @Jake65 :(


duh me! I forgot we have the choice to refresh 2 weekly items if they are not to your liking. There goes the PP quest. :)
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duh me! I forgot we have the choice to refresh 2 weekly items if they are not to your liking. There goes the PP quest. :)
Haha, nice!
I ditched the 100 beverages quest. Would have kept it if an FA was on the go though.
Sometimes I wonder about the timing ......