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Other Visual enrichments


with repect to the eyes of the DEVS and of course other players

The game is a very interesting one with few rivals on the market but to make it stay that way it must evolve itself. I've played many city building games like the Simcity series, the Settler Series. And based on that I will make some suggestions.

Suggestion One
Please give a possibility to rotate the buildings, or just simply the ability to mirror them. That would vary both our cities looks and their layout.

Suggestion Two
Please add some decoration which can be placed by players on the road, eg. sewer entrances, lamp posts, weed growing out of the stone tiles.

Suggestion Three
Please add a more varied citizens based on the building types of the city itself. So like peasants for low level houses, richfolk for different house levels, workers based on resources you have a boost with, like a gemcutter should look different than a woodcutter.

Suggestion Four
The overlaping trees ourside is a very nice and well welcomed touch. Please add more of these items around the whole city to interact a more with it. That way the city will be part of the land not just a layer on in.

Suggestion Five
Please add visible signs to each city marking it's production boosts. Eg. A plank one should have more or different looking trees drawn on the scenery. A steel mill should have caverns and mines in the northern mountains. A stone mine should have different stones and mines in that area. And so on.

Suggestion Six
Please consider the addition of a governor to the city which boosts various playstyles.
A governor who will boost military efficiency while decreasing culture bonuses.
A governor who will boost building efficiency and would increase tool production.
A governor who will decrease military efficinecy while increase population and culture levels.

Please consider these adjustments.

Thank you for your time, Chongor


Hi Chongor,

as this is a city builder game, I agree that visual enrichments are quite important - more than PvP. Like I said, it's a city builder - not a "let's conquer everyone's cities" kind of rts. That being said:

1. Rotating buildings is a fantastic idea, but also probably one of the most costly due to new artwork and animations having to be created for every building plus each individual upgrade. That makes this incredibly difficult to implement because a lot of time would have to go into this.

2. I really like this idea, so here's my suggestion: Innogames should hold competitions on a regular basis (perhaps monthly?) to allow any players with artistic talent in the community to create non-animated decorations to be implemented into the game in an appropriate style. That might help solve the time and cost issue as mentioned above and allow for plenty of creativity.

3. - 4. Don't see why not. Would be nice if they can find the time for it. :)

5. This might be rather complicated, especially considering that the resources of a city aren't limited to just the first three resources and there are likely plans for further resources to be implemented in the future. I see the point, but I'm not sure whether it's worth the effort.

6. Don't want to be this kind of person, but this idea needs it's own thread. Nevertheless I like the concept.

Generally speaking I'll just +1 this. :)
