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Version 1.180


Co-Community Manager
Elvenar Team

Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We will update our EN Worlds to Version 1.180 tomorrow, August 1st, 2023!

As with every update, we've resolved several bugs, among which:

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed a message issue where the order of messages was randomly changing when two messages were sent in the same second. Now the order is always the same.
  • A Video Ads issue has been fixed. Sometimes the players were getting empty video ads.
  • A display issue has been fixed at Spire where sometimes Mystery Chest was remaining after collecting the reward.
  • A bug has been fixed that reduced Orcs as Encounter Costs in Provinces of Distance 14+ (not Tournaments)
Developer notes: We discovered an error in Negotiation costs required to finish an Encounter on the World Map.
The Orc values were off for higher distances, so it became cheaper and cheaper (Orcs-wise), which was never intended. We fixed it, which should increase the amount of Orcs needed for some Encounters. On average, you now need more Orcs when negotiating on the world map than before.
This does not affect the Tournaments, only normal Province Encounters for provinces that are at least 14 provinces away from your city (a distance that is reached usually around chapter 12).

Note: the app version of the update is released separately from the browser version.

If you are curious and want to experience these changes before they are released, please feel free to register an account on our Beta server, where they get released several days in advance for technical testing.

We hope you like the changes we're bringing with this update. Please let us know your feedback on the changes by commenting in the discussion thread!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

We have today had to delay the release of the update to 1.180 due to technical problems.

Therefore none of the bug fixes OR the additional Province Expansion have arrived in the game.

Please bear with us while we work to resolve this, we hope to get the release now made within the next day or so.

Thank you for your patience!
