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Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Record #9 - They Belong in a Museum

Sir Derf

Who has the most of a particular Artifact?


I've got 21 Gingerbreads. Anyone got better?

Standard Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Rules - Pics or it didn't happen


Do you know what is the record of these posts Sir Derf?
Is that you always put this kind of post in the wrong section of the forum!


Who has the most of a particular Artifact?

I've got 21 Gingerbreads. Anyone got better?

Standard Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Rules - Pics or it didn't happen
I've got 11 Gingerbread Artifacts and two fully evolved Gingerbread Mansions in my city, which together makes 29 Artifacts, would that count? ;) Will provide screenshots if the answer is yes :)

you always put this kind of post in the wrong section of the forum! :)
And I agree, these posts belong in the lounge ;)
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Sir Derf

1) The Lounge describes itself as for discussion not about Elvenar; Sure seems like this is General Discussion - I mean, "Elvenar" is right there in the titles... Unless you're advocating that the Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Records series more properly belong in Questions? Does this post belong in Questions?

2) Right/wrong, I haven't always posted in one section. The first 6 were originally posted in General, with engagement from 13 to 25 reposts. After the request to shift to those threads to the Lounge (to try and perk it up), I posted #7 to the Lounge. How did that do? No one replied for over 2 months, and it currently only has 4 replies, one of which was me. With this post, we've now equaled that one in under 2 days.

3) I'll let you have your second unless you get competition since I'm already on the board, but I've got a 17, 2 15s and 1-2 13s, 12s and 11s.

4) Inventory only; you used them, you losed them, at least as far as this UGER is concerned.

Sir Derf

Ooops, forgot #2.5...

2.5) Then there's the Unofficial Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Record #8. No engagement at all. Accept no substitutes.


2) Right/wrong, I haven't always posted in one section. The first 6 were originally posted in General, with engagement from 13 to 25 reposts. After the request to shift to those threads to the Lounge (to try and perk it up), I posted #7 to the Lounge. How did that do? No one replied for over 2 months, and it currently only has 4 replies, one of which was me. With this post, we've now equaled that one in under 2 days.

4) Inventory only; you used them, you losed them, at least as far as this UGER is concerned.
2) I agree the engagement in the Lounge is lower. I just assumed since all these posts are there, that's where they were supposed to be, but apparently that was decided by mods then, who moved the posts there.

4) I don't consider using them as losing them, rather the opposite. What's the use of having them sit in your inventory?
I have no tier 1 manufactories for standard goods, because all my standard tier 1 come from event buildings which, among others, contain my 5 fully evolved mermaid paradises. Imagine those 45 artifacts sitting in my inventory doing nothing, what a waste that would be!
But since the rules are only judged by the person holding the record, I'll just quietly retract from competing in this guinness record.

Ooops, forgot #2.5...

2.5) Then there's the Unofficial Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Record #8. No engagement at all. Accept no substitutes.
Is it unofficial unofficial because only you are allowed to make these posts? Then I might as well stop engaging at all.
At least I tried...

Sir Derf

I'm not just the current record holder, but the person who posted that UGER in the first place. Of course I judge the rules for my own contest. And, as I said, "you used them, you losed them, at least as far as this UGER is concerned."

As for #2.5, this was meant as support for the "Lounge is not popular" idea. In my head, the "accept no substitutes" was meant humorously, not disparagingly. I guess I need to employ more smileys in my posts? By all means, engage away. It's not like I hold a trademark on the UGERS.

On the other hand, if you do decide to partake in some Semi-Pointless Math (tm), you will be subject to some quality control and peer review.


I'll let you have your second
I'll enjoy the view from the podium while it lasts :)

Side question: The high number of artefacts that you have, are they for evolvers that you haven't built or spire rewards that you have no use for as the building is maxed?

Sir Derf

My high numbers are all from evolvers that I haven't placed, so they started with an 8-9 Artifact head start before Spire help.


I enjoy your 'Unofficial Guinness' posts @Sir Derf :)
I have18 Phoenix and 16 Gingerbreads - and a total of 167 artefacts, excluding artefact tomes
I'm still scratching my head on the posting pics thing.

Sir Derf

PC, screencapture with some form of PrintScreen. Load into Paint or some such to crop. Save as JPG. Attach file to post.