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Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Record #12 - PP, or Prophet or Profit

Sir Derf

Because you demanded it... well, because one person mentioned it in passing... Who has the largest stockpile of Portal Profits?

This will be done in two ways:
  1. Who has the most of a single type of PP
  2. Who has the largest aggregate amount of Portal Profit Percent?


For #1, I submit 373 5% PP.
For #2, I aggregate to 4970%

Standard UGER rules - pics or it isn't happenin'.

Oh, and thank you for reminding me that a) these exist and b) I can disenchant these for Spell Fragments.


Disclaimer - this is in all good fun, there is no need to jump on me because I show what I have, thank you :cool:

Screenshot (1).png
Screenshot (2).png

#1 - 424 5% PP's
#2 - 9,290% total aggregation


I knew you'd want pics......lol....I tried and failed, I hate windows10 but I have this many. :)
50% = 33
33% = 9
25% = 27
15% = 111
10% = 999
5% = 754


I knew you'd want pics......lol....I tried and failed, I hate windows10 but I have this many. :)
50% = 33
33% = 9
25% = 27
15% = 111
10% = 999
5% = 754
999 10% PP's, impressive......this could actually be higher if Inno doesn't have it set to accept more numerals


3360 spell fragments for a 50%PP. With a level 5 MA.
Not to be sneezed at :)
I don't know where you are at in the game @Jake65 but I used a LOT of 50% pps in the final chapter, but not until I had a level 3 settlement.
If you do disenchant any, look at/consider disenchanting your 5% ones - 420 for each 5% pp - you'll get 4200 spell fragments for that 50%. ;)

Silly Bubbles

I don't know where you are at in the game @Jake65 but I used a LOT of 50% pps in the final chapter, but not until I had a level 3 settlement.

I agree, keep your PPs if you want to get through Ch20 fast. The more, the better because you can then even use them on lower level portal. I had a lot of them and still wasn't enough, I needed 3 or more times more than that. I don't think that there's such a thing as too many PPs in this chapter.
And please people, don't crucify me for this :D

Silly Bubbles

Pre ch20 I had huge amounts, but for info getting through ch20 used up over 80% of my stock as they are useless in ch18/19, so this time it would be better comparing with chapter.

Yes, it definitely is situation specific. I had a month break between ch19 and release of ch20 so my stockpile wasn't that big. I do remember having left over from ch19.


My main city is at the end of Chapter 20, so that ate up most of its Portal Profits. Since my main city is rebuilding its stock, here are the Portal Profits from my little city, which is at the end of Halflings. As you can probably tell, I have been taking a looong time between chapters in that city.

#1 - 10% Instants: 457
#2 - Aggregate: 11,725%

Elvenar Portal Profits.png


To my defense, I kept 2 year break and just used tons of PP for chapter 15.

Here are mine

5% Instants: 324
10% Instants: 193
50% Instants: 29

#2 Aggregate: 6137%


If you do disenchant any, look at/consider disenchanting your 5% ones - 420 for each 5% pp - you'll get 4200 spell fragments for that 50%
Thanks for this! I didn't think about doing the maths....:rolleyes:

I've finished chapter 16 and will start 17 after the FA.
Have put a sticky note in my head to save a bunch for chapter 20 :)