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Trading and supplies


I need to vent- I have only just started playing this game and I am finding it really hard trying to manufacture enough supplies to build or expand provinces. It’s SOOOOOOOO SLOW... :(
I also have think the trader is a joke. The wholesaler doesn’t reset its prices or change the types of supplies it offers. Why would I eventually be willing to pay 30k for 10 planks of wood!!
So annoying....

Is there a trading place for people that don’t have 2000 steel 3000 gems and 4000 planks of wood? :((((


You don't have to buy your goods from the wholesaler you can trade for them. If all the trades that you see in the trader are too big then you should place your own smaller trades. It's easy to do, all you need to do is go to the trader and click on the place trades tab at the top then select what you want to offer and what you want in return and the amounts. Hope this helps.


My advice is to only build boosted manufactories (type 's' in the game window - your boosted goods will be highlighted) and trade for the others, this saves you supplies :supply:. Do not use the wholesaler but the normal trader. Put up your trades if the ones offered there do not fit your needs. If you still have trouble trading join a decent fellowship. Concentrate on the tourneys with your boosted goods to gain more relics to enhance the respective boost.

Cycle through the declinable quest until you find one that you can easily fulfill - the coins and supplies really add up. There is a warning that you will not be able to undo your choice. Well, you cannot directly undo, but you can keep declining until it reappears. Inno, please remove this warning, I'm sure this removal alone would keep some new players in the game because of the increased coins and supplies.


I play on the iOS not on PC. Does this make a difference?
To be honest I never noticed you could accept or decline challenges... I’m gonna have to do some real exploring around the game...


I’ve also found people don’t really respond to traders with smaller offers which is also annoying...


The Wholesaler doesn't reset for expansions or knowledge points purchasing.


Again, a point of clarification. I specifically referred to the Wholesaler (as a sub tab of the Trader). The Wholesaler does not deal with Expansions (found in the Builder) nor with KP purchases (found as part of the KP bar).

It is correct that neither KP purchases nor expansions costs reset. But the Wholesaler does, in fact reset prices (dealing for goods) daily.

There have been several threads debating the benefit of purchasing KPs regularly, vs. only as absolutely needed. Several good points on both sides of that debate can be found in those threads. There is a strong argument that even while the price increases with each purchase, the increase can be absorbed easily as you advance from chapter to chapter. As with most things, in life and in game, moderation is probably wise.

In my opinion, space is the true commodity, in game. This point makes expansions virtually "priceless", IMHO (well worth the price increases). Especially during later chapters (I am currently in Halflings), space planning becomes exponentially more important and challenging with each new chapter. It is difficult, but part of the fun in game, to figure out how to navigate each level. I hear that the chapters that I have yet to face are even that much more difficult. It would be nice to be able to have more space, but I am glad there are folks out there constantly working out optimum layouts. Elvenarchitect has become an ideal resource to help with this struggle. Again, moderation in purchasing is probably wise.


Inno, please remove this warning, I'm sure this removal alone would keep some new players in the game because of the increased coins and supplies.
I can only agree, it wasn't until I joined a fellowship that I understood that the quests cycle, up to then I kept trying to fulfill the quests as they appeared and missed lots of bonus stuff. Plus I felt like an idiot for not figuring out that the warning didn't mean I was about to commit an irrevocable mistake.


I need to vent- I have only just started playing this game and I am finding it really hard trying to manufacture enough supplies to build or expand provinces. It’s SOOOOOOOO SLOW... :(
Hi there, I also made the mistake of thinking this was a war strategy game (my addiction preference). It's best to think of it as a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself and build enough res (upgrade them) and workshops (upgrade them) to be able to accomplish what you need. You can always sell some at a later stage as space becomes a problem. LISTEN to the experienced players... they have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share (for that I'm incredibly grateful). Some of these players have been building their cities for over 2-3 years... as I said, its a marathon :)


I have seen a lot of small teams, which have died off because the team leader quickly lost interest in the game. I wish Inno could make it impossible for a city to be archmage if their score was under 5000. The information is out there on how to build a strong city, but many players get discouraged because they find it to difficult. I researched your team in Felyndral where you are the Archmage, I'd recommend finding prosperous team and ask them if you could join.


I wish Inno could make it impossible for a city to be archmage if their score was under 5000.
I respectfully disagree Jackal, as you well know the game is structured so that there are many ways to boost ones points while still having a very weak and unbalanced city. I have had players 3x my game points asking me basic questions. Points is not a reflection of game knowledge.
I would say rather encourage a spirit of curiosity and friendly interaction. If unable to help then guide players to forums, wiki and elvenstats. Punishing players for lack of points is counterproductive and ultimately egotistical. We all have things to learn, no player 'knows it all'.


I’ve also found people don’t really respond to traders with smaller offers which is also annoying...

I find that they do. I'm in chapter 1 and my offers of 10 or 20 wood are being taken because many people like to help players with new cities. The key with this game is to be patient but sometimes there's so much going on that you long for a bit of quiet, such as in Fellowship and other events. :)


Master of the Elements
Yeah I have to say that so long as I see them if there's any of those small trades I'll always snap them up because it means nothing to me, but is probably really important to those posting them. I have to say, though, that often I'm only seeing the ones that are demanding my own boost as I don't scan through the whole trader every time.