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Sorry, missed the brief. @SkyRider99 got itThanks but my question still hasn't been answered. How does the Archmage or Mage spend the points?
Just to add, the max perk pts you can store with that perk at level 10 is 500 - so any pts your fs gains above 1330 (which is what is required for gold) will be added to your perk pts stash, to to 500.
The green + on the ladder type thing that runs up the left hand side of the screen is where you can add the pts. Some fs use near to the end of the spire in order to get gold, some use as soon as tourney starts, but you should only do that (imo) if you're sure that you will get gold and therefore be able to build your perk pts back to 500.
oops....I'll get my coat.That would be for the spire, max tournament archive is 25000 points.