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Answered The Queens Idol or Idle?


Hey Wise Folk,

Does the Queen's Idol boost all coin production (Golden Abyss included) or just the production of residences?

TIA :)



Note that the Queen's Idol's boost is additive to your culture boost, not multiplicative. For example, if you have 200% culture boost, with the Queen's Idol it will be like you had 260%. So your effective coin production does not increase by 60%. The higher your culture boost, the smaller the relative gain.


Note that the Queen's Idol's boost is additive to your culture boost, not multiplicative. For example, if you have 200% culture boost, with the Queen's Idol it will be like you had 260%. So your effective coin production does not increase by 60%. The higher your culture boost, the smaller the relative gain.
Oh, thanks. So similar to manu boosts that are only on the 'base' production?


Are you sure about this......as shown in my picture, I do get 60% more coins added to my regular production (ignore the culture amount)
View attachment 8104
Yes, if you ignore the culture amount, then you get 60%. But that means that you're not getting +60% on the total amount you're collecting. I just found this surprising, because I was actually expecting to produce 60% more coins (I placed this for the FA).
Oh, thanks. So similar to manu boosts that are only on the 'base' production?
Yes, exactly.


Yes, if you ignore the culture amount, then you get 60%. But that means that you're not getting +60% on the total amount you're collecting. I just found this surprising, because I was actually expecting to produce 60% more coins (I placed this for the FA).
Thank you @SpaceCowboy for the detailed explaination....even without culture, 60% additional more coins to someone's regular production is nothing to sneeze at :)