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The new Ancient Wonders Gallery layout


You can use the scroll as before if you just click the right green arrow, it will move up a page at a time.
I'm with you @gooseberry01 - it might just take a bit of getting used too, but I don't really like the new gallery, but I really like the new contributions tab.
me neither first you could see 6 wonders at 1 page now only 3.
i can not call that improvement this works even worse with the needle scroll buttons it gets anoying.


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Hi Guys! I'm so sorry, real life has kicked me up the bum this week! Don't worry im not ignoring you! Just playing a bit of catch up :)

Right, so it's the scrolling arrows on the pop up being small and a possibility of increasing the window so we can see more!

I shall pass it across!

Kind Regards

Hi Guys! I'm so sorry, real life has kicked me up the bum this week! Don't worry im not ignoring you! Just playing a bit of catch up :)

Right, so it's the scrolling arrows on the pop up being small and a possibility of increasing the window so we can see more!

I shall pass it across!

Kind Regards

if the also want to look at the arrows from the academy the cauldron were you can donate to boost them those are also very small