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The Adventures of GoldenFlower


Hello everyone! I am GoldenFlower, an elf newly come to the world of Felyndral. I have played this game before under another name, but I wanted to start an account to try to learn from my experience right from the beginning.

This is a first look at my newborn city.


And this is my neighborhood. As you can see, my boosted goods are planks, silk and gems.



Right away I've spotted trouble with one of my neighbors. Her main hall is under construction, and if she fails to return to the game, not only will I not have an active neighbor, I won't even be able to collect coins from giving neighborly help. If that magic residence means she purchased diamonds, I may be stuck with her for a long time. On the other hand, maybe she's just afk and we will be BFFs.



Master of the Elements
Right away I've spotted trouble with one of my neighbors. Her main hall is under construction, and if she fails to return to the game, not only will I not have an active neighbor, I won't even be able to collect coins from giving neighborly help. If that magic residence means she purchased diamonds, I may be stuck with her for a long time. On the other hand, maybe she's just afk and we will be BFFs.
Welcome back to the game. You will find your map to be littered with such inactive unusable cities. If they are small enough they will get deleted after a while. If they are even slightly larger then they will be left there, annoyingly, until the very end of time.

The good news is that you can still give neighbourly help. Just do it via mobile and you will find you can polish that Main Hall as normal.


Yet another advantage of being mobile only :D
I have a large percentage of inactive neighbours, one has even posted that they have quit the game but the coins still roll in from neighbourhood help
I would like to hear how far you got last time and what you are hoping to ‘fix’ this time


Thank you for your suggestions! I wonder if I can use the mobile app on my chromebook. My phone is sort of slow.

I played several years ago and got to the end of the tech tree then, which I think was before Dwarves were introduced. I don't remember there being Ancient Wonders either. Have we always had those and I've just forgotten? I got sort of bored and also my city was disorganized and I didn't want to have to rebuild the whole thing.

This time I want to not rush through it as much. I want to go slowly and really learn from all the resources that are available so that I can make a sustainable city.


I have finished my first day in the game and even managed to nab 500 spell fragments from the manufactoring challenge!

This is my baby city after one day. One might wonder why I have all marble manufactories when my boost is planks. First, I don't have the boost researched yet. Second, I don't have any relics yet. So the boost isn't active, and I thought I'd stock up on my non-boosted goods as long as I have space available. So far I have 108 marble. I've finished researching steel, so I'm going to take out some marble and add some steel next.



The best-laid schemes of elves and men gang aft agley.

This morning I thought I had the ideal layout for my city with marble, steel and plank manufactories researched. I worked it out so that I would also have 3 level 2 workshops and 0 available workers. Full employment and maximum production -- what could be better? However, I ran up against several problems. First, I did not have enough coins to upgrade the third workshop. Second, I was producing more supplies than I need. Third, I hit a quest that wanted me to upgrade my main hall to level 2.

My first instinct was to kick the can down the road. Persevere with my plan. When I had my barracks built the excess supply problem would be solved by troop production. I planned to substitute the barracks for my marble manufactories (also deleting one planks and two 1x1 culture). However, this meant not only overproducing supplies and underproducing coins until I had researched the barracks, but also would have left me short of culture to upgrade the main hall, which requires 8 culture.

So I took another thought at the problem. Basically, I have too many supplies and not enough gold. The obvious solution would be to replace one supply-producing building with one gold-producing building -- take out my remaining level 1 workshop and replace it with a level 1 residence. This has the advantage of allowing me to upgrade my main hall to level 2 with the excess population while I still have the culture buildings -- which I can still take out when I remove the marble factories in order to place the barracks. I can relocate the culture buildings to the little piece of road currently abutting my marble manufactories, since the barracks won't need road all the way along the edge.

Another advantage to this is that I will have enough population left over to replace two of my steel mills with planks manufactories when I unlock the planks boost and get some relics. A possible problem will be keeping up with supplies to feed my barracks.

Here's my new city:


Edited to add: I have 160 marble, 25 steel and 19 planks so far.


To solve your coin and supply problem you could also accept an invitation to join a team.


My city is so small I don't even show up on Elvenstats! (I need 121 more points for that, and I'm going to go backwards on points later today when I knock down my marble manufactories to build a barracks.)

I am planning to start a Fellowship for myself so I can participate in the next tournament IF I can manage to get through to the marble hexes. Steel and planks are the closest ones to my city, so I have to get through them to even unlock a marble one (or two) for the tournament.

On the other hand, this is my best chance for a tournament for a while, because I only have the one steel and one planks hex in reasonable scouting distance of my city.


It's been an eventful day 3 in my little town. I researched the barracks AND the trader, so of course the quandary is ... how to fit them in? I also finished the planks production research and added more planks manufactories, deleting steel and marble

Fortunately I also did some map exploration in preparation for the start of the marble tournament tomorrow. There are 2 marble hexes near my city, both in the second ring. So I had to complete a planks hex and a steel hex as well as the two marble hexes. The result was two additional expansions for my city.

So at the end of my third day, my city looks like this, and my barracks is busy cooking archers for the marble tourney. I don't know if this is the best configuration -- if anyone has ideas, let me know. I'm not big enough to get on Elvenstats and ElvenArchitect yet -- still only 387 points. I do have two empty squares next to the barracks. However, my culture bonus is at 125%, and adding two signposts would not increase that to 150.

Edit: Update. After I took this image, I decided to add the 2 Luminescent Signposts and upgrade my barracks to level 2 to help pump out archers for the tournament. I'm down to just 1 idle population!

Any suggestions?

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I just completed my first two provinces in the marble tournament. I lost a few archers, but otherwise survived unscathed. We will see how I do in the next round in 16 hours.


I finished the second and third rounds of the marble tournament today. One brave treant died in the second round and another in the third, and I lost some more archers, but I'm doing pretty well. I haven't had to negotiate any encounters yet, which is good because I am as anticipated low on supplies due to my lack of workshops and constant production of archers. I'm going to have to do a bunch of 5-minute productions to get to 1600 supplies to unlock the City Expansion 2 research. I need 523 more supplies, and I gain 30 (3x10) supplies from each 5-minute round, so 18 rounds of 5-minute productions if I don't produce any more troops.


Welcome to the Forum- am glad to see your baby city is blossoming! :)

Thank you Dizzy Lizzie! I am really enjoying myself so far.

Today's challenge: Getting the 3000 supplies I need to finish the final round of research for chapter 1, while also somehow maintaining archer production for the marble tournament. I just completed the research for city expansion 2. Eventually my Magic Academy is going to sit in that space (actually the space to the rear of the city and bring everything else forward because the MA is so tall), but for now I'm plopping in some temporary workshops and residences to boost my supply production, along with yet another signpost to support my culture bonus. I'm now producing around 300 supplies per hour (depending on how often I collect, so I can afford to start making archers again as well as accumulate for the final chapter 1 researches.

Here's what my city looks like for the next day or two, until I finish the magic academy research and accumulate enough supplies.



Today is my seventh day, the last of my first week. I finished the Simple Trail research, so now all I have left is squad size upgrade 2, flying boat and magic academy, and I will be done with chapter 1.

I don't think I'll be doing any building in my city today. My focus is on the fifth and sixth round of the marble tournament. I made it through the fifth round in my first province OK with a combination of catering and fighting, but the second province ate my archers and 3 treants (defeat). I need 1620 supplies to finish out that province. I have baskets of groceries running in all my workshops from overnight, so when I collect them I can do some 5-minute runs and be able to finish with at least 24 hours left to get through the final round.

I have 384 tournament points so far, so I don't think I'll earn enough on my own to get even the first chest, but it's definitely been a good experience. I'm planning my province scouting so that I will be able to have at least two steel and two plank provinces unlocked for each of the next two tournaments.

Update: I forgot I had a quest pending to solve encounters and get supplies. I need to do that to finish the provinces for the end of chapter 1 anyway, so I did and finished round 5 of my tournament with plenty of time left. Yay for quests!
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I finished the tournament strong, all six rounds on my two available provinces. As expected I didn't get enough points for the first chest (maxed at 540 points). However, I'm going to recruit my boyfriend to play, so maybe next tournament he can add some points.

I am following the strategy of not doing squad size upgrades until the last possible research in order to reduce costs of fighting and negotiating, and it seems to be working well so far. Today I am going to solve 5 provinces and head into chapter II!