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Question Storing buildings


If you don't have Teleport spells, an alternative could be to sell and rebuild after your redesign.

If you are in the early research chapters, where buildings are inexpensive, you may consider just selling a couple of buildings and rebuild them later. Culture buildings are good candidates for selling, since they don't impact on your production of goods and supplies.

I wouldn't be selling any building that you have upgraded to a high level though. e.g. residences, workshops, and manufactories.

Another approach is to solve more provinces in your World Map and get more city expansions. :)

Sir Derf

A third, possibly cheaper approach, is to sell some roads instead of selling some buildings.

If any of your roads are unimproved paths, you can sell and rebuild them to your heart's content.
If your roads are improved, you can sell them for a loss, but replace them with unimproved paths for free after, deferring the re-improvement for later if necessary.

Just be aware that improved roads provide Culture, so selling roads might diminish your total Culture beyond acceptable levels.