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Other Small Frustrations


I've been playing the game for a while now with my daughter and we are having great fun playing it, much more enjoyable than having to watch the same episode of iCarly or Victorious for the 100th time I can promise you, but I thought I'd share a few of my frustrations.

1) You cannot downgrade buildings... why would you want to I hear you ask... but in a game that is just essentially resource management I can think of many scenarios.

2) There are not enough pretty cultural buildings, since a large part of the attraction of this game for me and my daughter is building a fairy tale city, cosmetics is a large part of our enjoyment and there really isn't enough choice of pretty different cultural objects. If you ever visit the top players city they are just a blaze of sameness, impressive sameness but sameness on the eye all the same. At the moment if I have one square free for example all I can do is put in a dead tree, a lamppost, a road or leave it as grass...

3) The army units just take sooooooo long to make, maybe just a little too long.

4) It would be less frustrating if a way could be devised to make the fellowship visits easier, at the moment I have to click the icon, scroll down the list, try and remember who I visited last as I cannot find any clue in the list; it's just a bit more of a chore than it needs to be.

5) Not enough pretty cultural buildings, no wait I've mentioned that already, still worth mentioning again :)

6) Having to research un-boosted goods on the research tree before progressing, maybe it should be optional. At present I have to spend days wasting KP's and goods unlocking techs I will never use.

7) Being able to do something with the un-boosted relics I have to collect, It's a bit frustrating having to conquer regions where the rewards are useless.

It might sound like I'm moaning and really I'm not, it is a very enjoyable game so far, but maybe some of the ideas above might make it more enjoyable :)
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You've nicely summarized where Elvenar is at the moment. There are a couple of minor embellishments that you may be able to use.

3) Upgrading your Barracks provides faster cycle times and/or more training slots. Armories, both added and upgrades, allow you to train more troops PER training slot. While we're at it, the Squad Sizes in the tech tree determine the size of your Squads during a battle, but they have nothing to do with training, other than needing fresh troops.

4) While you're still visiting a city, you can click on the Fellowship icon without leaving the city. It's still clumsy, but the player you were just visiting will still be shown in the portrait. We're hoping that a future upgrade will include a "return to" bookmark in the list, if that's how we got to the visited city.

5) In the September InnoGames YouTube promo, they announced Guest Races and made quite a point that we'll soon have a wealth of new building styles. The promos are well worth watching.

Also, I'd recommend keeping a couple of open expansion slots, and would encourage your daughter (or yourself) to constantly fiddle with the arrangement of the city, to make it look spiffy.

There's a bit of technique involved, but the whole click and drag process is much smoother if you understand that the topmost corner is the anchor for every building. If you're in move mode, and you click on any of the OTHER squares in the footprint of the building, it will "jump" to attach the cursor arrow to the topmost corner of the building. If you practice a bit on a 3x1 or 1x3 decoration, the click points will soon become intuitive.

When you're shifting a row of buildings, typically because you need to provide more room
for the next series of upgrades, you can usually do so with just one click.

Likewise, if there's enough room, a building will automatically expand when it upgrades,
if there's sufficient room along the (lower left x lower right) edge and the anchor point doesn't have to move.

The building still has to be connected to a road, in order for it to be upgraded,
but it's pretty easy to keep your roads behind the buildings,
and thereby grow your city toward the lower left and lower right.
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yes I get where you are coming from, the game works but need more forethought (more building variety) and better use of tech tree, what the point as you say of researching the non-boosted goods manus.