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Slight FA addition

Sir Derf

I'm scared to mention this, but I think there is a disparity in rewards for different aspects of the FA.

You get rewards for completing any route to the top of Map 1. Clear Map 1, you get points.
You get rewards for completing any route to the top of Map 2. Clear Map 2, you get points.
You get rewards for completing any route to the top of Map 3. Clear Map 3, you get points.

You then enter the Pit, for which all progress gets points.

And the points? Tiny bonus to the top 100 - 2 hour boost for 100-31, 5 hour from 30-21, booster + building for top 20.

  1. There's a wide gulf in effort from an FA between 1 route to the top of each Map, earning all three chests, and the amount of effort needed to be in the top 100 Fellowship and earn more rewards.
  2. The added reward for making it to the the top 100 is tiny.
  3. There's a wide gulf in effort between top 100 and top 50.
  4. The increased reward for making it to the top 50 is tiny.

In my mind, the FA has way more content available past one route per map, and very little incentive to do most of it.

I propose the addition of a few more rewards, and a slightly increased reward ladder.

There should be a reward of some sort for completing all Waypoints on a Map. For each Map.
There should be a reward of some sort for completing all Waypoints on all 3 Maps.
Point-based rewards should be given to more Fellowships.
Point-based rewards should gradually increase at a rate faster than the first 50 Fellowships.

Exactly what those rewards could be, I don't know. Replace the chest buildings with Coin or Supplies instants? Move the Buildings to the full map clearances? Start the Points reward at 15 minutes for the lowest Fellowship, and increase by 15 minutes for each position? (My world currently has 333 Fellowships with points, many with identical scores, even at separate scores, that would provide a top value of a little over 4x20 hr.)


Sorry for my poor memory, I think something similar was proposed somewhere. Don't remember because our proposals are falling on deaf ears anyway.
That proposal was to give some little rewards for completing each waypoint and each multicolored cross points, Something almost symbolical, like 5% coin rain, or tools or few KPs instants, but to make the difference between those FSs completing all 3 paths instead of a single one.

Sir Derf

Hey, it might be a repeat.

What you describe sounds like it went too far. There is already a per-waypoint carrot - the Event Ranking Point. The problem with the Event Ranking Point as carrot is that the threshold for payout is to too few, and consists of too little.
Don't remember because our proposals are falling on deaf ears anyway.
Hey? What didya' say sonny? ;)



Off-topic, but this topic should be moved to the "Ideas and Suggestions" section I believe ;) (@Herodite)

On-topic: I fear Alcaro is right
our proposals are falling on deaf ears anyway.

But for the sake of it: +1 from me on this suggestion! More rewards for effort would definitely make the FA more attractive instead of it being a "let's just get this over with in the name of team-spirit and because we need those artifacts since the events fail to give us all we need nowadays"-thing.

Sir Derf

I mean, think about it...

Let's design a group participation game.

  • Complete 1/3 of Part 1 (strategically, you do the easiest 1/3)
    • and you get 15 AWKP, 100 minutes of Time Boost, and a building that gives 100 KP.
  • Complete 1/3 of Part 2 (strategically, you do the easiest 1/3)
    • and you get 40 AWKP, 450 minutes of Time Boost, and a recent Evolving Building Relic.
  • Complete 1/3 of Part 3 (strategically, you do the easiest 1/3)
    • and you get 1,125 minutes of Time Boost, a Tome with a choice of legacy Evolving Building Relic, and a building that can give 50 KP, 50 Shards, 500% Coins or 500% Supplies.

So, for completing the easiest 3/9 of the first 3 Parts, you get 55 AWKP, 1,675 minutes of Time Boost, 2 Evolving Relics and Buildings that can give 150 KP.

After that, if your group wants more rewards, then your group has to
  • Possibly complete some to all of the remaining 2/3 of Part 1
    • and get nothing
  • Possibly complete some to all of the remaining 2/3 of Part 2
    • and get nothing
  • Possibly complete some to all of the remaining 2/3 of Part 3 (and thus possibly completing all of the remaining 6/9 of Parts 1-3)
    • and still get nothing
  • Definitely complete a massive amount of Part 4, many times the combined effort of the initial 3/9 of the first 3 Parts
    • maybe get nothing (Top 101+)
    • maybe get 120 minutes of Time Boost (+7.1%) (top 100-31)
    • maybe get 300 minutes of Time Boost (+17.9%) (top 30-21)
    • maybe get 300 minutes of Time Boost (+17.9%) and a Culture building (160% better than Part 1, but without the KP) (Top 20-11)
    • maybe get 300 minutes of Time Boost (+17.9%) and a Pop/Cult building (base) (Top 10-8)
    • maybe get 480 minutes of Time Boost (+28.7%) and a Pop/Cult building (base) (Top 7-4)
  • In a stunning example of the practical application of Semi-Pointless Math (tm), conduct a Fellowship-wide all-hands-on-deck city planning, resource planning, boost using badge production campaign combined with optimized an optimized Waypoint fulfillment plan placing you in the top 0.3% of Fellowships, all for
    • maybe get 2,520 minutes of Time Boost (+150.4%) and a Pop/Cult building (+17% base) (3rd)
    • maybe get 3,360 minutes of Time Boost (+200.5%) and a Pop/Cult building (+30% base) (2nd)
    • maybe get 3,600 minutes of Time Boost (+214.9%) and a Pop/Cult building (50% larger +30% base) (1st)

What were they thinking? What are they thinking?


Mother of the Forum!
Elvenar Team
Off-topic, but this topic should be moved to the "Ideas and Suggestions" section I believe ;) (@Herodite)

On-topic: I fear Alcaro is right

But for the sake of it: +1 from me on this suggestion! More rewards for effort would definitely make the FA more attractive instead of it being a "let's just get this over with in the name of team-spirit and because we need those artifacts since the events fail to give us all we need nowadays"-thing.

I think that's reasonable... I shall move it across!

Edit: Welcome to your new home :D

Sir Derf

Yeah, that post ended up more suggest-y then discussion-y.

I've been trying to think of a good analogy, and the closest thing to a 'real' (unmodified for effect) equivalent is Quidditch. A team event, 7 players, where one player's efforts, which is the required action to end the game, gives 150 points, while the combined, coordinated, long-term effort of an offensive and defensive effort only gives 10 points per goal.

What if an RPG gave better rewards during the training side-quests than the final boss?