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Since many peeps complain...


Yeah Forge of Empires is Inno's big bad brother to Elvenar. They play quite similar in ways, but I prefer Elvenar because it is a slower pace and more peaceful, but it is a little too peaceful at times, it does miss a certain edge that comes with having to defend your city and your Fellowship from danger.
I'm actively playing FoE and must say you was advancing through ages too fast that is why you was attacked more often.
That was why I swapped from Innos Forge of Empires to Elvenar, to me it felt like it was being used as a form of bullying in that game and it took the fun out of it for me. If anyone wants pillaging and that kind of thing then yeah, that game is more aggressive than Elvenar.
People get bullying in FoE because they are usually in the bottom of the neighbors list and that is because they have low ranking points because they were progressing through ages too fast and did not develop their cities.
Though I must admit - being bullied is not fun but it is definitely manageable.


Precisely why I don't play games where you get plundered and have your troops exterminated. It really saddens me that so many people enjoy such games. It says a lot about human history and the need for evolution.


Precisely why I don't play games where you get plundered and have your troops exterminated. It really saddens me that so many people enjoy such games. It says a lot about human history and the need for evolution.
In Forge of Empires you troops don't die when defending city. They fight 1 round and after that are still 100% hp. These fighting are more like comparing who has stronger attack vs defense % bonus :)


I'd probably stop playing if there was plundering but I agree about the unfair trades. It's not that easy to just ignore them! When I go to the trader and see that there are pages of trades that I might make use of I feel angry when it's pages and pages of greedy people trying to exploit others. I've accidentally taken some when I've been tired. It just doesn't fit with the general spirit of the game, which is to be helpful towards other players. It's an unwelcome contradiction and it should be changed in my opinion.

Perhaps a players rating could go down a little every time they place an unfair trade? It might be a deterrent to some players.


I say INNO, let me have a option to invade their cities (one was my neighbour) STEAL THEIR SUPPLIES and COINS!!! Muahahahaha hahaha haha haaa...
Ahhh a man can dream... :)
Does it ever crossed your mind that your violent action might cause reaction ?...and slightly plunder you. Then you should have a strong army....and then you should attack someone else to gain again what you lost(or you would like to have this possibility of "kicking someone's ass" only for yourself?)....and then you would have a war game.Try Grepolis.
This game is sometimes boring, but it is not violent . I would like it to stay that way.


I believe the devs have said this sort of thing won't be done in elvenar. It is a key feature to the game that many players appreciate and makes it unique from games like FoE.

Besides you lack enough information to act as "police" and may just find by attacking others you are simply being a bully. If you don't wish to see 0 and 1 star trades better spend time lobbying for a filter on the star rating, I suspect you would get a lot of support for something like that.


I believe the devs have said this sort of thing won't be done in elvenar. It is a key feature to the game that many players appreciate and makes it unique from games like FoE.

Besides you lack enough information to act as "police" and may just find by attacking others you are simply being a bully. If you don't wish to see 0 and 1 star trades better spend time lobbying for a filter on the star rating, I suspect you would get a lot of support for something like that.

Brilliant idea about the filter on unfair trades!


That sounds like one of the popular features of Forge of Empires. I was a little surprised not to see it in this game too when i first swapped over to Elvenar.

I for one am really happy this is not a feature in this game. I found it extremely annoying when I was trying to produce supplies and then someone had stolen it...that's what made me quit playing FOE...


NO! Just NO!

If you want to fight and pillage each other or have your entire town decimated after spending weeks or months building it up go and play THAT OTHER game because if that happens here in this game GUARANTEED 2/3 of players will leave and NEVER PLAY ANOTHER INNO GAME EVER AGAIN!

AND some of us might even go and post all over social media that this game (if it goes that way) is nothing but a money sink hole and turn other possible players away from it!

It just turns into pay to win and great if you have millions in the bank to pour into buying gems everyday but you can **** right off if you think anyone else will!


To answer the threads opening post, maybe an ability to block a certain player who is annoying with really unfair trades from view.
That way the annoying player could just appear as a gold mine on your world map and not show in your view of the trader either. It wouldn't affect their gameplay but would stop complaints and make it easy to ignore and forget such players confidentially.


I have not looked at trading on the app. They did mention there are features in the app and browser they are yet to move across so they are both in sync. If this is in the app then it will eventually come to the browser.


Also in the app instead of just fellowship trades, is a filter for all trades from discovered neighbours and fellowship players.

You still get to see the grossly unfair trades from neighbours discovered. I have one also who does it on a regular basis.

Accidental acceptance of trades on the app is very easy as they jump around wildly in no order sometimes, and maybe these guy's are exploiting that.

For example I could be taking 5 identical trades from a fellow just clicking down the list and before I know it one of those unfair trades jumps in as I touch the screen and I have taken one I would never take. :(

Edit addition: If a trade is less than 2 stars, there should be an "Are you sure" pop up, that would prevent it from accidentally happening.
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Accidental acceptance of trades on the app is very easy as they jump around wildly in no order sometimes, and maybe these guy's are exploiting that.

Sadly this happens in the browser version as well. I have gotten caught out on occasion.


Master of the Elements
Accidental acceptance of trades on the app is very easy as they jump around wildly in no order sometimes, and maybe these guy's are exploiting that.
I've noticed this.. and also, sometimes I find myself hitting it several times before anything happens and then it suddenly takes two at once. For this reason I try to make it a rule not to accept trades whilst on the mobile.


Elvenar Team
Me four. :)