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Sentient goods decay


Event reward building suggestion:
White Amaryllis Field, produces sodium benzoate to reduce the decay of sentient goods ;)


So this has been going on for quite some time now. I‘m pretty sure I got decay for at least a few days, but it‘s broken again. I would really like this to be fixed, because right now, it feels like I’m cheating my way through chapter 20.


Mother of the Forum!
Elvenar Team
Hi @m4rt1n This is something that we're definitely still aware of but, we are yet to be updated with a resolution for it!

I'll nudge them again to see if there's any more info concerning it :)

Kind Regards



So this has been going on for quite some time now. I‘m pretty sure I got decay for at least a few days, but it‘s broken again. I would really like this to be fixed, because right now, it feels like I’m cheating my way through chapter 20.
Don't hold your breath on a fix. I reported a duping bug about a year ago now, which, as bugs go, is normally the type of bug that is a top priority, and yet it's still not fixed. I wonder if it'd take so long for a fix if it was in relation to duping diamonds? :Eek elf:


Could we get some update on this? This is really disappointing. Elvenar is a game where progress is hard, and that's why it's so gratifying when you make it through a new research/upgrade/chapter. This is really dampened when it feels like I've cheated, because there is essentially no decay. I also find it confusing to release the long-awaited new chapter, with a new decaying resource, at a time when decay doesn't seem to be working properly. It would be really nice to get some information on why this is taking so long.