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Seeking a Fellowship, but still only very small



I've just returned to the game from retirement, never played in Arendyll before. Previously had two cities in Felyndral, one of which got to the sentient goods level.
I'd be grateful to hide in a larger fellowship to help me grow, if you can spare the space you won't regret it. Active player :D


Most movements occur after tournaments end. This week’s tournament is not over yet and teams may recruit in advance for spaces they know will become available. Keep an eye on the recruitment section of your world and write to the recruiters. You might even end up having a few choices of where you can go to. :)


Most movements occur after tournaments end.
yes, it doesn't mean much if fs is full. This concrete recruiting message was written when they were full and I know Rose still looking for it. Always need to write and ask. Better fs take only players in that way. If recruiting is open without writing, it's not good fs to choose.
But good luck @FuzzDuckie with new fs anyway.