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Secret of Alchemy - BETA

Sir Derf

Mildly confused...

Every year, sorcerer apprentices go on a long journey...
All sorcerers, regardless of their rank, were lured astray from the main group on their previous pilgrimage...

First, this sorcerer pilgrimage party was composed of a minority of sorcerers, as all the sorcerers were not of the main group?
Second, so, we've been without sorcerers for a year? Did we not notice this earlier? Who's been training this year's class of sorcerer's apprentices?
Third, I don't remember my sorcerer astraying during last year's pilgrimage?

Sir Derf

My question isn't that they are lost this year, but that they've apparently been lost since last year.


My question isn't that they are lost this year, but that they've apparently been lost since last year.
Good point, there's no mention of the sorcerers returning.
My understanding is the balance of the main group must have been apprentices who did return.
I guess they all received a swift promotion to sorcerer which, with their lack of adequate training, would explain some of the nasty FA badge requirements introduced recently.

Sir Derf

Having talked to my Court Alchemist, I think I have to amend my earlier statement.

It was not my intent to make a potion, as it was indeed 'my' laundry. Or, more precisely, the laundry of a few of my Orc landholders. However, Master Markov has informed me that a reduction of Orc perspiration is the defining ingredient in what he refers to as the Elixir of Eternal Stench.