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Question Scrolls as T2 boost


I am also a "scroll player" with 5 big manufactories (lvl. 31) and also have at least 7 moonstone sets (between chapters). I always post 3* trades with a 10% discount and eventually all my trades are taken. I also grab all trades asking for scrolls, cross or non-cross tiers.


Scrolls are my T2 boost too. It's a sad state of affairs. Perhaps Inno could stop making new cities with scrolls as boosted goods? I realise that this would create an imbalance in the Force though. Oh well :(


What to do if you have scrolls as T2 boost? Currently am at 3 chapter. I am unlucky to have this boost, which is unsellable. My fellows from fellowship are trading this boost for 3 starts. I have read about endless scroll and that scrolls are the most unlucky boost to have. What to do? keep factories for other unboosted T2, buy travelling merchant II from MA, cross trade T1 for T2? What are your strategies? I think it should be option to change boosted T2 if it is scrolls even for diamonds, because it is very unfair !!!!! Maybe some more advanced players will tell me what to do.

It's a double edged sword atm,
As a scroll boosted player you are pretty much screwed.

Because of this many players have rerolled there game to another boost (new account)
As a result less players now have scrolls as boost,

But in this game you do not only need scrolls, later in game a scroll player produces velvet, and in the most recent chapter there is ascended goods specific to scroll players.

Because many scroll players either give up, or reroll to another boost, this disadvantage might become an advantage in the late game, when these goods are needed, as there will be more advanced crystal and silk players than scroll players due to this effect.

rock stream

this disadvantage might become an advantage in the late game
Funny you should say that CrazyWizard. A fellow scroll producer just commented to me that he to has a declining inventory of scrolls. At the moment the pages of scroll trades have disappeared from the trader. I know I've quit offering scroll trades for other goods. I may add back another scroll producer. I'm chapter 15, he's in chapter 8.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
As with all building that are not Manufactories, that give Goods as additional boosts, examples are Travelling Merchants, many Event buildings: Valentines Float, Gingerbread Mansion, Mermaids Paradise etc: These are introduced into the game to deliberately add more of the Good types in to the game. The Moonstone Library set is no different, bringing many desired daily collections forward, hence some players have preferred to collect and place multiple's of the building. For many players the Endless Scroll has been a boon, rather than an unwanted item. So please bear in mind that as with everything, there are always three sides to the coin.


As with all building that are not Manufactories, that give Goods as additional boosts, examples are Travelling Merchants, many Event buildings: Valentines Float, Gingerbread Mansion, Mermaids Paradise etc: These are introduced into the game to deliberately add more of the Good types in to the game. The Moonstone Library set is no different, bringing many desired daily collections forward, hence some players have preferred to collect and place multiple's of the building. For many players the Endless Scroll has been a boon, rather than an unwanted item. So please bear in mind that as with everything, there are always three sides to the coin.

The question was why Scrolls and not T2+x!

Nobody was complaining about the set or it giving T2. The question is why is Inno so set on creating an imbalance of Scrolls vs. other T2?


The Moonstone Library set is no different, bringing many desired daily collections forward, hence some players have preferred to collect and place multiple's of the building
The Moonstone Library set is clearly very different to the event sets you have mentioned. It gives precious Combining Catalysts so the more the better. And it was available over an extended time, resulting in many players having multiple sets - not just 1 or 2, but many....6, 7, 8 even more is common. You don't get that with the event buildings, so no matter what they add they won't create the sort of imbalance that these have. Inno messed up, plain and simple in a way that has made the game very unfair to one third of players, with a carry on effect for everyone.