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Returning player looking for fellowship for self and friends


Master of the Elements
assumption - if there are two people and 2 partners there would only be two IP addresses.
Well that would be a big assumption. Partner can mean more than one thing, but even if it is what we guess it is, there is no reason they are definitely living together.... and even if they did they aren't necessarily sharing an IP address.

Deleted User - 341074

Hey all, long time no see!
I just wanted to pop in to clarify things here since this thread was quoted over on Beta.

That rule about not being allowed to invite players from your household is not referring to fellowships but rather the game itself.
You see, other inno games have a "refer a friend" system that gives you premium currency (diamonds) for inviting friends to play. Obviously, the easiest way to scam diamonds would then be to invite "your wife/kid/dog" and get those rewards. To help curtail this there is a rule that you can't get referral rewards from the same household.

same fs.png

It's a shame that the original player seems to have been driven away by this confusion (they haven't visited the forums since), but it's understandable- I mean who wouldn't want to play with their loved ones? I know my wife got me interested in it 6 years ago and we never would have played for more than a week if we'd been forbidden from playing together.

Hopefully with this clarification it won't happen again.


Please bear in mind that you cannot have more than one account in a Fellowship guys, as per our Game Rules. This means if you have 4 accounts that you will need them to be in 4 different Fellowships.
That rule about not being allowed to invite players from your household is not referring to fellowships but rather the game itself.
You see, other inno games have a "refer a friend" system that gives you premium currency (diamonds) for inviting friends to play. Obviously, the easiest way to scam diamonds would then be to invite "your wife/kid/dog" and get those rewards. To help curtail this there is a rule that you can't get referral rewards from the same household.

View attachment 6303

It's a shame that the original player seems to have been driven away by this confusion (they haven't visited the forums since), but it's understandable- I mean who wouldn't want to play with their loved ones? I know my wife got me interested in it 6 years ago and we never would have played for more than a week if we'd been forbidden from playing together.

Hopefully with this clarification it won't happen again.
I'm afraid that what we see here are the interpretations of 2 Community Managers from 2 different servers (EN and US) not a crystal clear rule in Wiki.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
We are happy to clarify this. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions that each player agree's to prior to being able to begin an account here at InnoGames. Here at Elvenar we do permit players to operate more than one account per Game World (see Art 5: 5.4), which is not usual in our games as this usually limits one account per internet connection.
Our Game Rules also cover this further under rule 7: Pushing '' Please note that it is strictly forbidden to use the invite feature to invite yourself or players that share an internet connection with you'' Refers to our Fellowships.
So to condense this, it means that you cannot have more than one player account in a Fellowship.
These have been put in place to prevent players from manipulating the game, which is of course damaging to Elvenar.

Silly Bubbles

So to condense this, it means that you cannot have more than one player account in a Fellowship.

To me, rules can't be condensed or expanded. They need to be taken as they are. There's nowhere explicitly stated that it's prohibited for two people with the same IP play together in the same fellowship. If it's what they meant, they would state it clearly and it would be great if they adjusted it accordingly if it is what they meant. To prevent couples from playing together just doesn't make sense, it's quite anti social in a social game.


Feel free to join ,the gang, and if more players wanting to join - we can arrange that, a couple of people staying until they can be replaced.

Deleted User - 341074

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to use the invite feature to invite yourself or players that share an internet connection with you'' Refers to our Fellowships.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Just look at the wording. At no point does it refer to fellowships, and even if it did, all you would have to do is ask a FS member to send the invite for you and you will have legally created a work-around.
In fact, that's how most couples I've played with naturally joined felloowships: a mage or the AM invites both of them. Which means that there was no rule breaking then, eh?

As other forum CMs have clarified this does not refer to FS, but is in fact a standard inno games rule to prevent abuse of the refer-a-friend invites that give premium rewards.

Note below how in you own post you show that not all inno games ToS apply to Elvenar:
Here at Elvenar we do permit players to operate more than one account per Game World
(see Art 5: 5.4) [ 5.4 You may only have one Account per game world (one section of the Game). ]

Ok, the ToS says 1 account but you allow multiple. This certainly implies that you have the power to make changes to the rules.

So the bottom line is that there are somewhat contradictory and unclear rules.
This leaves two options:
1. You @Silmaril @Herodite can get clarification from the higher ups, or
2. You can make your own decision on how to interpret/alter the rules

If you do choose #2, I'm not sure why you would choose the objectively unkind option of forbidding couples from playing together, and I'd strongly suggest going with #1 in that case. Otherwise the answer to this question every time it comes up in the future will be:
"Sorry, you can't play with family here, but feel free to switch to any of the other 20(?) regions where it is allowed"
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