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Release Notes


Here's some news about the new AW improvments nerfs, it's from one of Discord Beta mods:

Ancient Wonders changes - Additional improvements following feedback

- We are introducing helpful refunds for some buildings. They will now grant Combining Catalyst or Royal Restoration depending on their size and type (usually between 1 and 3)
- This will help provide additional ways to get the resources needed to level up your Ancient Wonders in the new system
- We plan to keep expanding the list of buildings in the future
- Down here you can see an image with the first round of buildings

View attachment 8229

Please note the irony of getting 1CC for selling parts of the Moonstone Library, one of the few buildings that actually makes CC, lol

And for those who don't use discord: players reaction and dissatisfaction with these AW improvements nerfs is even worse than during the big tourney rebalancing nerf of 2021.

EDIT: I've just noticed that we can sell MR and MWS for 5 RR spells!! Hahaha, one would think it's April 1st today :D
Thank you @Hekata for this information.......I personally am happy to see they are offering another way to get CC's and RR spells, although looking at this list I am not happy that they are exchanging the refund of coins/supplies for 1 CC, they should take those off of the list and just keep the things that presently offer nothing as a refund

Yes, there is some irony in receiving CC's when selling parts of the moonstone library, but the library itself is not on the list so for anyone with an abundance amount of mana plants, gum trees, gates and endless scrolls could actually find this beneficial, keep the basic moonstone library set and sell off the extras for CC's

Recieving RR spells in exchange for MR and MW might not be bad for those people who continuosly win them from the Spire and they now sit in storage


Thank you @Hekata for this information.......I personally am happy to see they are offering another way to get CC's and RR spells, although looking at this list I am not happy that they are exchanging the refund of coins/supplies for 1 CC, they should take those off of the list and just keep the things that presently offer nothing as a refund

Yes, there is some irony in receiving CC's when selling parts of the moonstone library, but the library itself is not on the list so for anyone with an abundance amount of mana plants, gum trees, gates and endless scrolls could actually find this beneficial, keep the basic moonstone library set and sell off the extras for CC's

Recieving RR spells in exchange for MR and MW might not be bad for those people who continuosly win them from the Spire and they now sit in storage
That's all true but it's also all a very finite and temporary solution. All levels of all AWs now need CCs, RRs and SF and once the items you have in store are gone what then? Let's not forget that all those items are needed for other purposes too (crafting, upgrading event/magic buildings...)

Plus the new players don't have any of those things and probably won't be able to build any aw until they are very high in chapters.

If they want to keep those costs for upgrading AWs they need to both lower the amounts and give us a steady supply of them. Maybe give a lot more RRs in the tournament or some powerful evo buildings, a lot more SF in the Spire etc.


There is something fundamentally wrong and demoralising about Inno changing the goalposts in this way, and it's not for the first time either - I remember them nerfing the crystal lighthouse AW some years ago. You build AWs on the calculated basis of what they will give you in return and levelling up AWs all the way is a non-trivial and often costly undertaking. Add to that the almost nonchalant and somewhat patronising way Inno announce these changes, deceptively referring to them as 'improvements', merely adds to the dismay and frustration. :mad:


Tks @Hekata - I'm just catching up on these changes - I'm in the process of upgrading my LePres Shop. I'm struggling to get it to level 15 due to the insane amount of spell fragments needed. I've disenchanted tons of event items, I can fill it with kp easily enough, but then it takes a few weeks of saving up and having to re think what I craft in the MA, I don't want to spend all my SF crafting, well I do, but now I can't afford to. I won't be placing the other chapter AW.


There is something fundamentally wrong and demoralising about Inno changing the goalposts in this way, and it's not for the first time either - I remember them nerfing the crystal lighthouse AW some years ago. You build AWs on the calculated basis of what they will give you in return and levelling up AWs all the way is a non-trivial and often costly undertaking. Add to that the almost nonchalant and somewhat patronising way Inno announce these changes, deceptively referring to them as 'improvements', merely adds to the dismay and frustration. :mad:
Very true and extremely disappointing indeed.

And all the AW are getting "rebalanced" btw. These 4 mentioned here are just the ones being hit the hardest. I've also discovered today that ToS has changed: instead of Supplies for each Scout on my map, it's now per Story Quest. Personally I've never built that wonder but I know a lot of players like it.


Found this on discord. These are costs of upgrading a wonder after these changes. It seems that the costs are the same for all wonders now. The columns represent:
level / fragments / cc / RR



Here's the link to the German forum. They have made a nice table featuring all the wonders. And if you scroll a bit down you can see how they work now (what factors they depend on), which of them have become better, which are weaker and by how much. I don''t peak German but if you open it in Chrome you can use the translate options and it works just fine.


Here's the link to the German forum.
Thanks for this, interesting reading. (despite a few translation hiccups :))
I'm going to stick my neck out here and say I'm chuffed that fighting wonders will gain an attack boost of an extra 10%. Granted they will need to be levelled up to 35 instead of the current 30 for the max boost. Will have to do this quickly before the aaaarrrRRgghhs come into play.

I think these changes would affect everyone differently depending on resource stocks. For me, fragments and CCs aren't too much stress but the RRs, yikes, I can see evolving buildings not getting upgraded due to a shortage.
I also wonder how players in a <10 chest fellowship will cope. No blueprints means you can't craft RRs so it will just be a few per week for them.
Perhaps there will be a new source of RRs? We can but hope.....




Having read through all this I can see how this is going to impact the game quite seriously. It is going to require Inno to change so many other things in the game if these changes are to be sustainable in the long term. There will have to be other ways to gain spell fragments, CC spells and RR spells to upgrade wonders. There will have to be things implemented in the first chapters so new players will have the resources to upgrade their wonders.
My other major annoyance is that we have upgraded our Martial/Monastery to Level 30 and presumed that was it so gave the balance of those runes away to our FS mates. NOW we are having to upgrade a further five levels.
I realize Inno is looking for new ways to make the game interesting and to continue to hold the interest of those end stage players but this is not the way to do it! We want to keep the players not have them leave the game in droves. Years back when they changed the tournament system we lost a lot of players but that will be nothing compared to this unfortunate state of affairs.
Please, Inno, do not release this to Live servers in its present form. Its needing a major rethink!