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Release Notes Version 0.34



Dear Humans and Elves,

On Tuesday 2nd February 2016 we will receive a new game version here on International. The main focus this time has been on improvements, mainly in balancing, and bug fixes. For a detailed list, please see below!


  • Graphics of the Human Mentor and Builder characters have received a make-over and now look even more stunning

  • Human quest 'Perfect Marble' has been changed to only require one Superior Marble Manufactory instead of three
  • Removed some mandatory upgrades to level 4 from an early questline (Chapter I)
  • Changed starting conditions for repeatable quest 'Stockpile Supplies' (Elves)
  • Added Rune Shard rewards for one story quest about Ancient Wonders

  • Elven quest 'Learning to Move' now correctly only completes after training Granite Golem
  • Once you started researching in Chapter VI, some quests mistakenly could not start and have now been made available
  • When upgrading your Barracks the production queue now correctly gets emptied
  • It is no longer possible to click the Auto Fight button more than once
  • Quest menus no longer show a button for more information when there is no extra information available
As always, we're looking forward to your feedback, so please let us know your thoughts by posting in the discussion thread!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team