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Answered Ranking pts from Tournament Arena and Spire Library


I've just added both of these AWS last week, but I do not see how many or where my ranking pts per tournament chest and/or spire library are displayed.

I can see how many extra orcs I get each week from my Shrine of the Champions, as they are displayed at the end of the tournament rewards list, but no sign of any ranking pts, where are they pls?


Master of the Elements
They surely just get added to your total ranking points, per X number of tournament / spire encounters, or whatever the criteria is which I can't quite remember. Not sure if they changed these at all with the AW overhaul. I wouldn't be surprised as they were pretty much just for show, unless you loved those points. Now I may go and investigate.


I have no way of telling, but no one can tell me where I can see what you get each week. One fs member think he's not getting any or at least can't tell since the last changes.


Master of the Elements
I think they just get added to your score without a message. When you have a million and something points you won't be noticing much change if it is adding one point per several encounters, or whatever. Yes, I must go check how much it is now.


I have no way of telling, but no one can tell me where I can see what you get each week. One fs member think he's not getting any or at least can't tell since the last changes.
I believe they show up in your list of rewards for the chests at the end of the tournament for the orcs, and the ranking points just get added to your ranking points.......oddly enough I have both of these wonders and really never paid much attention to them, I will pay more closely next week


I believe they show up in your list of rewards for the chests at the end of the tournament
That's what I was expecting @kimkimkim - this would be my first week to recieve them from the TA, but I didn't see them on the rewards list.


Master of the Elements
I believe they show up in your list of rewards for the chests at the end of the tournament
I will bow to your knowledge on the topic. Once upon a time I built them and had them both at about level 6 for a few months. I never noticed any message or impact, but you're probably right as I never pay too much heed to the tournament summary screen.


That's what I was expecting @kimkimkim - this would be my first week to recieve them from the TA, but I didn't see them on the rewards list.
sorry @OldHag , I edited my response.......
I will bow to your knowledge on the topic. Once upon a time I built them and had them both at about level 6 for a few months. I never noticed any message or impact, but you're probably right as I never pay too much heed to the tournament summary screen.
@Pauly7 , er I think you have more knowledge than me ;)


Game Moderator
Elvenar Team
The ranking points are added automatically at the end of Spire/Tournament, if you end up in Top 100 in the Tournament the points you will receive will sum up with the ones from this Tournament Arena. While you cannot see how many points you have received each week, if you hold the mouse over your top position in your city you will be able to see how many Tournament ranking points you have received over time.


@Serenity - I'm not asking about the tournament pts we get if/when we finish in the top 100, rather the ranking pts from both the TA and the SL. I will have to check on friday for the spire ranking pts (that should not show up in the tournament ranking part, you would think) The description of the TA implies it depends on the number of chests your FS gets each week, so where you end up in the tourney rankings is irrelevant.
So now, I'm a bit confused.


Game Moderator
Elvenar Team
@Serenity - I'm not asking about the tournament pts we get if/when we finish in the top 100, rather the ranking pts from both the TA and the SL. I will have to check on friday for the spire ranking pts (that should not show up in the tournament ranking part, you would think) The description of the TA implies it depends on the number of chests your FS gets each week, so where you end up in the tourney rankings is irrelevant.
So now, I'm a bit confused.
I know, I only mentioned top 100 because if you end up there, when you will receive the ranking points at the end of the Tournament you won't see X points from ranking and Y from Tournament Arena but X+Y. For Spire is more simple.


Would it be possible for them to be added to the rewards windows for both the spire and tournament, in the same way that we can see how many extra Orcs we have won that week? Just a small request :)


Geez have to go how many posts down to find out what Wonders she's complaining about. Please, could we at least clarify the topic at the beginning?
Silly me, I should have put the 2 AWs in the title of the thread. I've told myself off. ;)


This weeks spire will be finishing soon, so I thought I would post my ranking stats before we receive this weeks rewards, in the hope of seeing where the additional ranking reward from the Spire Library may be displayed/gained. I'll Update after we receive them.

Current Ranking Points

Working Population - 1781298
Required Culture - 2202600
World Map Progress - 68970
Ancient Wonders - 620800
Ancient Wonder Ranking Effect - 2579277
Tournaments - 6899

Total = 7,259,844


I see it now @Serenity - my Ancient Wonder Ranking Effect increased from 2579277 - 2579586. It is only a small amount, but I had to be able to see where it appeared for myself. :)
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