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Quirkies are looking for new Members


Are you the player that will make us complete again?

If you can answer the following questions with "yes," you are the one we are looking for:

- You love the tournament, and you reach 1600 points or more.
- You do not miss a single spire; you reach the lab or even the top every week.
- You like FAs, and you can stick to a plan.
- You are active with KP swaps.
- You love a helpful and kind team.
- You do not need stress and prefer a relaxed and helpful environment.

Not to forget that we get 10 free KP every day to spend on our Fellows' Ancient Wonders. We are doing, on average, 14 chests in the Tournament every week and at least three times gold in the Spire every month.

Please message me for a conversation when you can join us.

Recruiter at Quirkies
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