We have some vacancies as we’ve lost a few members due to issues outside the game. We have a relaxed play style but we get a blueprint each tournament and also coordinate for Fellowship Adventures. We’d like to get higher in the spire, and we’re looking for a few more active players to help us get there. Ideal Candidate would have a score around 400000 and would have one or more of the following boosts: planks, silk, gems.We’re a friendly, helpful bunch and fs trades are taken quite quickly.
Message the Archmage, Bizzyceebee, in game to apply.
We have a sister fellowship also Queen of Peace on EN2 Winyandor, also looking for active players. Ideal Candidate would have one or more of the following boosts: planks, crystal, elixir, but we’re happy if your boosts are different. We welcome both experienced players and keen newer players looking to grow their city with a little help from the rest of the team.
Message the Archmage, Delliem, in game to apply.
Message the Archmage, Bizzyceebee, in game to apply.
We have a sister fellowship also Queen of Peace on EN2 Winyandor, also looking for active players. Ideal Candidate would have one or more of the following boosts: planks, crystal, elixir, but we’re happy if your boosts are different. We welcome both experienced players and keen newer players looking to grow their city with a little help from the rest of the team.
Message the Archmage, Delliem, in game to apply.