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Closed | Archived Prosperous Citizens


Game version: 0.24.923-402471d-(master) (2015-09-11 12:33)
Game world: EN1
Browser + version: Chrome 43.0.2357.134 dev-m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 8.1
Screen resolution: -
Account name: Lane
Humans or Elves: Elf
Hardware Acceleration: ON/OFF

Reproducibility: 5/5 - I reproduced twice and each other time I got the same result

Quest title: Prosperous Citizens

Current situation:
  • The quests asks for an upgrade of three residences to level 5 or higher. I queued two residences from level 8 upgrading to level 9. Once the two completed the quest showed as complete with 3/3 residences upgraded when I only upgraded two.
Expected situation:
  • You would need to upgrade three residences

Reproduction Steps
Click upgrade x2 - Residences
2. Wait for building to complete and quests shows as complete

Screenshots of the bug:


I have been investigating similar quests and will add this one to the testing.
I have not been able to reproduce it consistently yet, but as soon as I can we will get it reported.
If anyone else has any other information on this please post it in this thread.
Thanks all.


Hi Zarok,

It seems upgrading the residences one a time calculate correctly. When upgrading two at the same time it registers as three builds for some reason.

- Lane


Thanks for the additional information Lane, I do appreciate it.


Due to lack of recent reports and not being able to reproduce this issue ourselves at the moment, we will now archive this thread as such. However, we will leave it open for further replies, in case anyone still experiences these issues. :)